1 ; falling

906 35 5

Felix shrugged his shoulders lightly, still enough to be able to see if you're standing some sort of close to him.

You could clearly sense the irritated aura from the male. It'd be too hard to hide.

That's what causes a shiver.

But that's what always happens when Felix refuses to answer. Answer verbally, that is. But obviously, you'd expect a verbal answer to cause even more infuriation.

"I'll go then." Jae-Hyo - the male mentioned earlier - uttered with a somewhat calm voice.

That's believable now, no? If it's spoken in such a soft and serene tone which at this moment, seems almost impossible.

It's that believable it causes relief in the blonde. A glad relief that causes him to stop tensing up at the unknown continuation.

But he only has enough time to sigh before his vision's black with the abrupt punch to the face. Felix can only stumble back at this and let a barely audible, hurt whimper.

Well, that small whimper only causes an airy chuckle to come from Jae-Hyo and the other two, his - according to Felix - sidekicks, Xujuan, and Tae-Yoon.

Although, just because they're his sidekicks, doesn't mean they don't become just as violent with him as Jae-Hyo does.

"I don't think that's how you respond, no? Use your words next time, or it'll be much worse. That's something you know, though. Don't you, Felix?" Jae-Hyo questions lowly, with a clearly annoyed groan to his name.

"Why don't we just... I don't know? End it for him already?" Xujuan snickers, suggesting an idea to which Jae-Hyo does nothing but show a pleased grin.

That's what hurts. With the clear impressed reaction to that suggestion, it's most likely to become possible.

Fine - although it's not just once Felix has been dreaming about that happening, it still makes his heart drop and let out a silent sigh.

"That's perfect. You know exactly what to say to brighten my mood, Xujuan." Jae-Hyo pauses, "Let's do it right now then, it's too tempting." He whispers, making Felix's skin just crawl as he feels the grip Jae-Hyo held on him.

"Five's a pretty number." Tae-Yoon hums, probably suggesting which floor they should make that potential.

And that is exactly what they did.

Dragged the unwilling male to the fifth floor. No matter how much he tried getting out of their grip, how hard he tried tugging out of it.

As unfortunate as it is for him, no one who came by even batted an eye at it.

Not even with the amount of struggling whines and whimpers he let out.

Maybe that's what power does to you, though?

Makes you completely untouchable.

Even if you take a glance at what they're doing to the surely innocent people around the whole university, a simple glare is what it takes to make you back out from trying to help.

Just as soon as they arrived, Jae-Hyo pushed Felix towards the railing, him taking it quickly before being lightly pushed back at the impact.

It was only a few mere seconds of everyone staying in complete silence, expecting a sort of dying miracle to happen - which is what's originally happening.

"What? Are you scared or something?" The male's voice snickered, scoffing at Felix.

Felix looked down at the floor blankly. Not responding to anything at all.

"Go on, don't you find it fun to slit yourself anyway? There's no problem in this, is there?" Jae-Hyo uttered, laughing mockingly.

"Are your scars healed?" Tae-Yoon questioned with a very much audible mutter, hearing that from slightly afar may seem as if he's worried - but he isn't. It has another taunting manner to it.

"Honestly, he probably has more - don't bother asking." Xujuan sighed, walking around, looking at Felix up and down before rolling his eyes abruptly.

"Alright, alright. Need a countdown?" Jae-Hyo asked, laughing at all the elicited teasing antics.

Felix climbed onto the other side of the railing, not even muttering out a single mumble of worry or refusal. But he did want to refuse. He just knew that if he wouldn't do it purely himself, the three males would do it for him.

"Ready, blonde? You've finally got the courage to do it yourself?" Jae-Hyo teased, causing a small fit of chuckles to come from the other two.


He loosened his grip once.


Once again. Did his hands slip - is he falling yet?


He closed his eyes, letting go completely, and-

Why did someone grab him?

Why did they grab him by the hoodie?


The voice yelled out, unknown to who it belonged;

It was too late anyway, he can't be saved. He tugged out of the grip.

Falling five floors down...

The worried gasps and ruthless snickers being heard the second he fell.

It's not like anyone actually cared, right?

No one at all, well - maybe for the owner of the voice, it atleast sounded like it lingered pity and worry towards these self-threatening actions.


That's exactly what got him into the unwanted 3 month coma.

But, so he's back?

Does anyone even remember him?

Yeah, there's still rumours going.

That's been a long while, though.

Did everyone still remember the sirens wailing and the blood splattering while he lay unconscious?

Honestly, guess so.

It's only a shame they started by only knowing the incident and not the victim.

But well, such a rumour ends up knowing the victim.

Alright, but what's the name of the whole incident?

8 - 5 = 3.

Stands for?

8 months ago, 5 floors down, 3 month coma.


"Hey- isn't that him?"

"Eh? The one that threw himself off the fifth floor? I thought he was dead, to be honest."

"What a surprise! Low-key a shame though."

"Hmm... I've heard that someone went a long distance to save him from doing so."

"Really? 'Cause the thing I've heard is opposite and that he did jump but - apparently it was Jae-Hyo's fault."

Isn't it nice to hear such kind greeting speeches when you 'come back from the dead'?

The hushed out whines of pity or disappointment from others.

Some wishing you'd be out to die and others that you'd survive. It's only a 50/50 chance, to be real.

Well, such a height is to not be forgotten either way.

Alright, well, remember;

8 - 5 = 3.

It may make a rather interesting comeback.

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