3 ; promises

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"I told you not to do this again, didn't I?" Hyunjin panted abruptly, letting out a small momentary tone of disbelief as his voice cracked lightly.

"I didn't-" Felix started, interrupted as Hyunjin took him off the edge, making him lean against the small brick wall, still leaving his hands on his waist.

"Do you really want to leave - end up in the hospital again?" Hyunjin sobbed out, resting his head in the other's neck.

Hyunjin's only particular wish right now was to keep Felix safe, not let him out of his embrace ever.

This isn't an obsession?

So what they've just met, if you meet someone who literally tries to end themselves twice;

You want to keep someone like that safe, someone who makes such life harming decisions.

"Sorry." Felix whispered, wrapping his hands around the other male, trying to help him to calm down.

He didn't quite know what caused him to elicit such a reaction, but it certainly wasn't minor.

"Just promise me you won't do it again." Hyunjin released shakily, still clutching onto the blonde's waist.

"I could try." Felix uttered after a short while.


"What happened?" Felix inquired silently, crouching before Hyunjin, who sat against the small wall.

"Hm?" Hyunjin hummed, looking up at Felix.

"Your reaction." Felix mumbled, tracing the rocks on the ground with his finger.

"Ah, right." Hyunjin chuckled, "Isn't it slightly ironic how I was exactly the same as you?"

"Three years ago. I had similar problems." Hyunjin sighed, "Everytime I see someone like you, try to or hesitate to jump. It reminds me of the times when I tried to do so myself. I just don't want that to happen again." Hyunjin explained calmly, given the situation.

"Sorry." Felix apologised - he didn't want to make Hyunjin feel the way he used to, he didn't want Hyunjin to go back to the state he used to be in, the state he despised so much.

"You didn't know. It's alright." Hyunjin hummed, showing a soft smile that still made Felix feel guilty.

"You're skipping fourth lesson." Felix stated, helping Hyunjin up as he himself stood up.

"What?" Hyunjin spoke in light shock;

"You're late - by twenty minutes, I assume." Felix sighed, slightly hesitant.

Hyunjin groaned lightly, "I'll take my leave, then. But- would you like to go out for dinner?" He questioned.

"Ah, I can't." Felix paused, "Maybe another day." Felix stated, watching how Hyunjin nodded his head and left.

Alright, why couldn't he go out for dinner with Hyunjin?

His cousin.

His cousin was waiting to see him for over those three months.


"I'm here." Felix uttered silently, closing the door behind himself.

"Lix? I missed you so much - why did you just leave like that?" The younger voice cried out, running to Felix and hugging him almost instantly.

"I'm sorry, Jeongin. I didn't mean to, really." Felix whispered, caressing Jeongin's head, "I was forced."

"What? Forced? Shouldn't you report-" Jeongin spoke, interrupted by Felix, who spoke opposite;

"It's fine, Jeongin. I'm sure they've been punished in some way." Felix chuckled, trying to hide the fact he was truly against the idea, not mentioning why;

But, as if that isn't obvious now, Felix knew exactly what Jae-Hyo had the power to do. He'd be better off leaving it be - hoping he got atleast suspended.

Jeongin hummed lightly, "But where were you that whole time? I had to be all alone, and you never told me which hospital you were in to the least!" Jeongin exclaimed, looking up and frowning at the older.

"How was I supposed to tell you where I was, Jeongin? Are you forgetting I was in a coma? I'd be unable to do so. But I admit I was also worried about you." Felix mumbled, taking a breath, "Yet at that moment, I didn't think how you'd end up."

Solely, he could barely think about what'd happen to Felix himself because, in those types of threatening moments, you don't always think about what will happen.

Felix especially couldn't think about anything at that time as he had to jump himself, or - as mentioned, the three males would do it instead;

That would certainly be a lot worse than Felix doing it himself.

It's troubling how people can take you up to such high limits and make you end it all.

"It's fine. Atleast you and I are both okay now." Jeongin mentioned, feeling calmness spread through his body, knowing finally that Felix was safe.

Like that'd last for long.

"What were you even doing this whole time I was gone? I trust you at least went to college." Felix questioned, pulling away from Jeongin and sitting down.

"About that, no, I didn't." Jeongin admitted hesitantly.

"What? Why not?" Felix spoke with a tone of disbelief.

"I don't know... I couldn't get myself to, I'm sorry." Jeongin answered, pursing his lips as he looked down.

Felix sighed, not saying anything for a while, as well as Jeongin.

"You're 17. You should still go educate yourself. Don't worry about me, ok?" Felix reminded softly, smiling the minimum to Jeongin, who nodded his head.

Yeah, this whole case of Felix being gone for a few months stirred drama and trouble for a long while now.

Felix just didn't know completely. He was worried about Jeongin - as far as he can remember himself, it isn't the first time Jeongin didn't attend college because of his state.

He doesn't want that, though. He doesn't want anyone to become stressed because of him. He doesn't want anyone to take care of him for that reason, mostly.

Felix doesn't want to be responsible for other's loss on important things that matter way more than him.

Especially if it's someone rather close to him.

He should be taking care of himself, even if he can't do it fully.

"Don't skip college because of me anymore. Trust me - I'll be fine. Wasting your time worrying about me is useless." Felix uttered, hoping Jeongin would at least grow up fine, unlike him.

"But I'm scared for you." Jeongin whispered, looking up.

"I know. You're more important than me, though. You can't sit here and neglect other things necessary." Felix calmly explained.

"How am I supposed to neglect you when you're the only one I have left, though." Jeongin argued back simply.

"We'll make it, Innie. Really, trust me - I promise." Felix smiled.

Can he even trust himself, though?

on the edge // hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now