17 ; plans

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Minho outstretched his arms immediately, taking Jisung into his embrace.

"He reminds me of Hyunjin so much." Jisung whispered, pressing his head into Minho's neck.

"I want to help him." Jisung uttered, "I don't feel certain about his state."

"I know, I don't either. But it seems like he's trying, isn't he?" Minho replied, giving a light question in return.

"I think." Jisung mumbled.

"But, I just want to give Felix more support - I know Hyunjin's helping him, too. I just don't feel like he necessarily wants to accept." Jisung continued, giving only his true opinion.

"Hyunjin was also slightly similar to him. He just allowed it much quicker. Hyunjin's fine now - we don't especially have to worry about him too much. To our delight." Minho explained lightly, reminding himself of the unavailable male's state a few years ago.

"Yeah. I'm glad about that. But he was sixteen. Now he and Felix are nineteen. That's quite an age gap, isn't it?" Jisung sighed softly, pulling slightly away from Minho, still keeping his hands on him.

"Hyunjin has also kept that state for a year. We don't know about Felix." Jisung hummed.

"Hopefully no more than that. It was hard enough getting Hyunjin out of it." Minho replied, caressing Jisung's back.

"Alright, let's go back to Felix before I start crying." Jisung giggled, taking Minho's hand and walking back to the youngest.

"We're back." Minho smiled, Felix looking up and returning a smile.

"Finally. These cartoons are boring." Felix stated, putting his phone away.

"Cartoons? You're so childish." Jisung giggled, not intending it rudely.

"It's only because the games I have are annoying me!" Felix exclaimed, pouting.

"Oh, yeah. Why did you call me originally?" Minho inquired, remembering how Jisung rushed to him impatiently.

"We wanted to go out Friday. Right after university." Jisung spoke, sitting down.

"Mhm. We were planning to go somewhere but we don't know where. Not the park because that's boring. Like... theme park or just go to town." Felix added, wanting Minho to confirm one of the options.

"Town's fine." Minho hummed, crossing his arms.

"Alright, so, see you after university on Friday." Felix exclaimed with a smile, already looking forward to the planned event.


"Yo." Minho smiled, walking over to Felix, who was still expecting the two, finally finding them.

"Hey, I thought you'd come earlier!" Felix greeted, complaining at the arrival time of the other two.

"I know, Jisung was taking a long time." Minho chuckled, finding an excuse.

"Don't stare at me like that! What if familiar people see me? I can't look like trash, man." Jisung exclaimed as he noticed Felix looking at him with disappointment as they started walking.

"I forgive you." Felix sighed, putting his hands in his pockets.

The males started strolling off further down the populated town.

Although Felix's week has seemed practically fine with the happiness he was eliciting, he was still largely worried for Hyunjin.

"What are we mainly gonna do, then?" Jisung questioned, feeling lightly bored with the thought of only walking.

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