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Later that evening. I decided to call the number that my mother gave me. I have been having a lot of anticipations. What is I am crossing boundaries in doing this? I should have asked Mkhuleko the time he was here. But I dial the numbers either way. I place the phone on my ear and listen to the phone ring. 
“If I knew better, I would have said you have a crush on me.” She replies in a sleepy voice. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Gengqele...” She continues to talk. I remove the phone off my ear and look at the screen. Why on earth will I call Thabi. I am sure my mother gave me the wrong number. 
“Ow shit sorry. I am trying to call my brother's girlfriend. I think I must have mistaken the numbers.” I speak. She lets out a tired laugh. 
“I bet she even looks like me.” She adds making me laugh. This girl is weird. I wonder what attracted me to her. We talked for some more and let hardest. I get off the bed and head to my mother's bedroom. She is fast asleep. I take her phone and scroll through her phone. All the names here - I don’t recall even one of them. I placed the phone back on the table. Wait a minute, what if I get to call this number on my mother's phone. I dial Thabi’s number om my mother's phone. Miss Ngcobo pops up on the screen. A slight frown on my face. No, it can’t be. I shake my mother vigorously – she gasps in shock as she squints her eyes regaining her sight. She sits up straight. 
“Yini?” She asks. 
“The number you gave me. You describe the girl.” I speak. She looks at me as if I am or something. 
“Come one mah.” 
“She is dark and pregnant. I don’t remember her name.” She shrugs her shoulders and goes back to sleep. If she says she is dark and pregnant. Could it be possible that Thabi is the woman that is pregnant for my brother?  


I look at the pregnancy test and feel my heart drumming in fear. If I am indeed pregnant, then I am dropping out of school to be a stay-at-home mum. I didn’t plan any of this. I pace up and down trying so hard to assure myself that I am not pregnant. I missed my periods – how is that even possible! I stop pacing and look at it. Two red lines. I lose balance and lean against the wall. Skhosane will defiantly kill me for this. We are already not on good terms because of Khanyi finding out about us. Now he will think I want to trap him with this baby. Shall I have an abortion? My mother would be higly disappointed in me. I sit on the bed and let the few tears fall. I never imagined my life to turn out like this. Yes, I am dating the man of my dreams, but it comes with a lot of baggage's. It’s not the walk in the park as I loved it. I wish I could call Khanyi and cry out to her – by the look of things she cut ties with me. Coming back home I noticed that she read my diary. I wish I could explain what I felt. I am jealous of her, but I was just in love with the man she was dating. I look at our pictures, the memories still stuck in my head like a melody. Having her as a friend was peaceful and I loved it. She was loyal and treated me like a sister. Not even once has she ever made me have doubt about our friendship. Not even once has she ever made fun of my situation at home. Instead, she was there to back me up at all times. She was never ashamed of who I was and where I came from. Just because of a man – I decided to throw all of that in the bin. I push the pregnancy aside and exhale out loud. I will not tell him. I will hide this pregnancy until, I don’t know for how long. A baby was not in my plans – not just yet. But later in life. I looked at my phone ringing and it’s Skhosane. I am sure he has booked himself in some BNB and he wants to come sleep over. The phone stops making the annoying sound, but it comes back again. He will not stop until I pick up. I sometimes find him controlling a bit and that just turns me off in a way, you can’t claim to love someone but get to be obsessed about their moves all the time. He was never like this to Khanyi. I doubt he was like this to Thabi too. That girl that talks and stands up for herself. I believe for Khanyi he had a soft spot for her for how she was. I have no other option but to attend to my phone. 
“Why the hell are you not picking up.” I roll my eyes in annoyance. Is this how he greets his future wife now. If only he knew I was pregnant. 
“Was studying. I have a test on Monday.” I lie. Can't tell him that I was ignoring his phones calls on purpose. 
“Okay. When are you coming?” 
Just like that. He is not even proud that I am a smart girlfriend that loves studying. I feel like smashing this phone right on his face. If only I could see him. 
“I just told you. I am studying.” I respond. 
“You should have told me not to come instead of you letting me drive all the fucken way for nothing! You know what, I am going to see the mother of my child. Stay with your books.” 
Just like that he dropped the call on me. I chuck shaking my head in disbelief. Is this how things are going to be whenever we have an argument. He will run straight into Thabi’s arms all the time. Mxm! He can go to hell for all I care. Honestly, I am tired of fighting with rich people. I will let him be and I will focus on myself and the child that I am carrying in my womb. 




“Skhosane, for how long does it take for you to see your baby mama? Is this how things are going to be whenever we have a fall out?” I am breathing fire. For four fucken hours. Four hours! He cannot tell me that he was bonding with that bloody child. My nose flares. I have been trying to call him all day. Now I regret not going to him the time he told me too. I dropped the phone and thought hard. There is only way for me to find out if he is truly there or not. I put on my tight pants. I have gained, it might be the pregnancy. I shouldn’t be stressing like this. But Skhosane will make me grow grey hair in the early stages of my pregnancy. I step out of my room. It’s a bit chilly today. He didn’t even send me the location of the BNB he booked himself in. Amadoda are true definitions of dogs! I walked out of the gate. I swear if I find him there – hell will break loose. 




To my annoying surprise the nigger is not there. Infact the entire family has moved out. To where? No one really knows. They just saw a big truck hire helping them to move. And that was the last of them. Why would Khanyi move out without telling me? Then again what can I expect. I did the unthinkable. From here to where? I don’t even know. I feel my eyes becoming glossy to a point that I wish I could die. Skhosane cannot do me like this and leave me in the middle of nowhere. My heart is in the middle of nowhere waiting for him to amend it. It’s broken into pieces because of him. If I had not declined the request, he would have gone to see his baby mama. I am sure she is the one occupying the bed with her whale self. I feel myself running out of breath. Already he is cheating on me. He landed like five hours ago and already I am crying a river. Umjolo - I am taking a break from it. I continue to walk – doing the walk of shame. A car park is next to me. I lift my head and Skhosane is driving. I feel my heart skip a beat for a second. 
“What are you doing here?” He asks. His face is hard as a rock. 
“I... We...” No better lie can come out of my mouth. I’d rather keep my mouth shut. 
“Get in.” He hisses making my body to cringe. I swear I felt my baby move inside. I open the door and slowly sit my but in the passenger's seat. He looks at me intensely. I don’t like that look and he knows it. He drives without saying a word. 

We arrive at the BNB he booked himself into. It’s quite clean and cute for my standard. I find myself smiling. Can’t wait to use those oil baths. His room smells so fresh and looks big. I wonder how much he paid for it. He should consider buying a house in Durban and I will live in it, nurturing it while he is at work. I sit on the bed and he sits next to me. 
“We need to talk.” He takes off his ties and throws it aside. “You know I like you right?” 
I shake my head yes. Somehow, I am disappointed in the like part. But I play along either way. 
“Yes, I know.” I maintain my fake smile. 
“There is one thing that you should understand. Khanyi will always hold a special space in my heart. I will always have a soft spot for her. I have been noticing you lately,. You are growing hate unknowingly and trust me I don’t do well with hate. It’s either you suck it up and be a strong girl to stick around until my feelings for her are gone or you just walk away like nothing like this ever happened.” He tells me. My heart is shattered. He just keeps breaking me more bit by bit. Again, I will stand by him just because my heart wants what it wants. 
“I don't hate her. I...” 
“I can see it all in your eyes. You don’t even care that you lost a good friend because of what we have. You do know that a lot of people are against our relationship, including your mother. But you are giving them exactly what they want to see. Cleanse your heart before it’s too late or I will walk out of your life and never return.” He can’t do that. 
“I am pregnant.” I held my mouth in shock. Not me thinking that I was thinking in my head. My stupid mouth!

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