I woke up due to my phone ringing, I messed with my hair and groaned while grabbing my phone from the bedside table.

My eyes widened when I saw the time it was only 6 am in the morning, and it was Sana.

"Why the fuck would she call this early in a peaceful Sunday morning? What any decent human would do such a thing?" I cursed and took the call.

"What's so fucking important for you to call me so damn early in a Sunday morning and disturb my sleep you perverted gay?" I irritatingly said trying my best not to shout or it'll just male me more frustrated.

"First of all, good morning, grumpy. Second, don't argue, get dressed in just casual clothes because I'll pick you up and we'll go somewhere."

"What?? Where the hell are we going so early -"

I hear the call beep, meaning it ended, "Sana???? Hello???"

I threw my phone and messed with my hair again. I did a little streatching and drank some water.

What is she up to this time? I shook my head and headed to the shower, I can't go back to sleep anymore once something or someone wakes me up, so there's no point. I'll just probably go along with the crap she's planning again.

After taking a shower I brushed my teeth and my other personal hygiene routine.

I went to my walk-in closet. I wore a black hoodie with matching sweatpants all from Burberry and some Nike Air Force high cut shoes. She said casual anyway. It's not snowing, but it's a little chilly these days, especially early in the morning. Lastly, I wore some sunglesses.

The only stuff I brought is my phone and wallet and put them in the pocket of my sweatpants.

Not long until I heard a car pull over in front of my house while I waited by the living room.

My chief servant went to me and bowed, "Ms. Minatozaki is here ma'am." she informed.

I nodded, "I'll be back later" I just say coldly, it may sound offensive, but that's just how I talk.

She bows and opens the door for me.

The hamster smiles and waves while leaning by her car, but her smile fades, and she stops waving after seeing my cold, deadly face.

She hisses, "You look like you're in a bad mood so early in the morning."

"Did you have to mention? I'm sure you know this is all because of your crap."

She pats my back, "You have to loosen up Mitang, it's so nice and sunny today, it's a waste spend this Sunday all cooped up in your room. I promise we're going somewhere nice."

I sighed, one of the guards opened Sana's car door for me and I went in. Sana then heads to the driver's seat and starts driving.

We first ate at McDonald's, and then we hit the road again.

I noticed we're already leaving the city and started heading to the countryside.

"Yah, where are we actually going that we're going to the countryside already?"

"Just sit there and relax will you? Gosh, you're always complaining about everything."

I crossed my arms and just sat back again, then huffed.

"This is all I could say about where we're going. You should spend your money here for a good cause rather than wasting it on bars and women every weekend."

"What? What kind of place is that?"

She sighs and shakes her head in disappointment, "You're not a bad person Mitang, you just haven't seen the good things the world has because you've only seen the bad, depressing side of it. That's why you're like this right now."

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