Our relationship

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I woke up in a hot and sticky bed. Komi was still sleeping on top of me. Everyone else is still asleep. The bedside clock said it 8:30 AM. I had to put on my pajamas and fix myself up before anyone saw us like this. I reached for my pajamas on the floor without waking Komi up. 

I slipped into them and Komi began to slowly wake up. She didn't want to let me go but I gently set her next to me on the bed. I had the urge to go use the restroom so I tip toed to the bedroom door and opened it. 

I saw her brother coming out of his room while putting on his slippers. He gave me an ominous stare and then stopped in front of me.

Shosuke: I'm guessing you're Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah?

Shosuke: Well who you are doesn't concern me.

Y/N: Okay?

Shosuke: I would expect my sister to befriend idiots like that Tadano guy but at least she has a gorilla like you to stick with her.

Y/N: Hey!

Shosuke: I mean it in a good way. I don't have a problem with you. The only reason why I haven't done anything to Tadano is because I'm messing with his sister.

Y/N: Um...

Shosuke: That being said I know what you did with my sister last night. And frankly I don't care.

Y/N: Where are you going with this?

Shosuke: We both keep secrets so I know we're gonna be close sooner or later. You'll probably end up marrying my sister.

Y/N: Um..well..maybe?

Shosuke: I want you to promise me something.

Y/N: What is it?

The teen looked down before looking up at me again.

Shosuke: Promise me you'll never hurt her and to be by her side when she needs you. I care about her and I know you wouldn't do anything to harm her.

Y/N: Thanks.

He pats my shoulder and we both go our separate ways. But before I enter the bathroom Shosuke stopped the door.

Shosuke: One more thing. Promise me to keep her away from perverts like Tadano.

I nod and her lets go of the door. The bathroom smelled like candles. Must be what Shuuko likes. I brushed my teeth in there and did my business and returned to Komi's bedroom. She was sitting up on the bed when I returned. I tip toed across the room to avoid waking anybody up.

Komi raised her arms up to me when I got to the bed and I took it as a sign that she wanted to cuddle. She laid down with me and we both held each other closely.

Y/N: So, what would you want to do for the day?

Komi: H-Hang out.

She grabs her notebook quickly and writes something down.

Tomorrow, we should go on a date.

Y/N: Really?

Komi: M-Me a-and y-you...

I forgot she wanted to go out on a date. Damn. Komi wants to go out with me of all people. Her mom and brother both want me to keep her safe. And she's the only person who makes me feel a strange way for the first time. Maybe I should take their word.

Komi pecked me on the neck and pulled me in closer. I kissed her head and that's when I noticed her cat toy on the shelf. I reached for it and pulled it from it's place.

Y/N: Hey Komi, remember this?

She smiles and takes it from me. Komi began playing with the small feline toy and began imitating cat noises.

Let's Talk!  Komi Shouko x Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang