The Sleepover

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Today the school was doing a fitness check on all of us students. It wasn't so bad. I got a good score on my height and weight. Only being an inch taller than Komi. My weight was good too. Grip strength, Forward Stretch, Side Jump, and a couple of other exercises went well. 

I was helping Najimi with his exercises. He was a slacker but we passed them all.

Unfortunately some weirdo thought she was Komi's rival and tried to beat her in everything. Makeru Yadano was the girl trying to beat Komi's score but she didn't. 

After the fitness check, everything went back to normal. Najimi was going on and on about stories about God knows what. But the way he ended his story is what surprised me.

Najimi: Hey Komi, can I come over to your place?

She stands there shocked. I don't think she knows  how to say "no".

Tadano: Isn't that a bit too much for her?

Najimi: Shhhh. You know you want to.

He suddenly looks at me with a smirk.

Najimi: Y/N wants to come too! 

Y/N: Oh what the hell?

As soon as Komi hears this she finally gave in. Well who would have thought?

Walked to Komi's house. I gotta say the neighborhood she lives in is pretty nice. Once we got to her house she unlocked the door and led the way inside. That was when I spotted her mom. I started remembering her assumptions and began to get second thoughts of staying.

Komi's Mom: Whaaat? Oh my! Are you Shoko's friends? Seriously?! And is that her boyfriend Y/N? Wow! This has never happened before!

I didn't know what to say. I awkwardly stood there and hear Najimi and Tadano snickering and making fun of me being called Komi's boyfriend.

Y/N: Um yeah it's me. I'm not her boyfriend miss. Just her friend. Do I really have to go over this again?

Komi's Mom: Nonsense! My daughter always talks about you and writes about you in her diaries!

I face palmed and sighed heavily. I really wanted to leave but I was in too far to turn around. Komi was beat red and buried her face in her hands.

Komi's Mom: Well, anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Shuko Komi. Shoko's mother. And I'm eternally 17.

She said this with a lot of pride. Shuko doesn't look old so I guess that's why she fells proud.

Shuko: Shosuke, honey! Shoko brought her boyfriend and friends over! 

No response.

Shuko: Hmm, maybe he isn't home yet.

With Shuko's permission, we went upstairs to Komi's bedroom. Ahhh I remember stepping in here when I laid Komi on her bed. Everyone was still awkward about Komi's mom but I didn't really think about it too much.

Najimi was poking around the room and grabbing stuff he shouldn't be touching. He went on Komi's bed and looked around her toy kitty collection.

Shuko: Hi! I brought tea!

She placed the tray of tea in the middle of the room. I'm not used to how Japanese homes are arranged so I awkwardly sit on my knees close to the little table. Shuko pinched my cheek really hard.

Shuko: What a fine young man. I can see why you chose him Shoko!

The room is now silent and everyone just looks at us.

Shuko: You better take care of Shoko. Forever and ever. Okay?

Y/N: But I'm not-

Shuko: Toodles!

She leaves happily and doesn't let me finish my statement. It was weird alright.

Y/N: So what now?

Najimi: Hey Komi, can I use your bathroom?

She nods slowly and Najimi takes Tadano with him and out the door. Me and Komi are left in the room sipping tea. I sip the tea slowly to prevent burning my mouth. Komi looks at me and pats the spot next to her.

I smile and scoot next to her. Komi hums and continues sipping tea. 

Y/N: Y'know, next time you should come over to me and Najimi's place. Or actually don't. It's quite mess. 

We just spend the time enjoying and drinking tea. Najimi and Tadano were probably just messing around in the bathroom but who knows?


After everyone left I cleaned up my room and did my homework. It wasn't to hard. When I finished, I pulled out my flip phone and started texting Y/N.

KOMI: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: What's up Komi?

KOMI: I had a lot of fun today. Thanks for coming.

Y/N: You're welcome! I had fun too! 

KOMI: Next weekend, I was planning on inviting you guys over for a sleep over. Sound good?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm down. Let me tell Najimi.

KOMI: Thanks! Well it's getting late.

Y/N: Alright then. Goodnight Komi.

KOMI: Goodnight Y/N. I lov-

I decided not to include the last part and just deleted it. I told Y/N goodnight and that was that.


A little notification sound came from my phone. I opened it and saw new messages from Najimi. He sent a picture of me and Y/N. We were both smiling and drinking tea.

Najimi: Ta-da!! I snapped a pic of you with Y/N. I've got stealth skills! U didn't notice?

The corner of the picture had Tadano and Najimi doing selfie poses. I went downstairs where my mom was and decided to ask her for a picture frame.

Shuko: A picture frame? You never ask for things. Aha! Lemme guess. You took a picture with your lovely Y/N.

I felt my face heating up and felt my dad's gaze. My brother didn't show it but I could tell he got ticked off when her heard "lovely Y/N". My dad however looked serious.....                                                                                                  

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