Be your friend?

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This school sure is something. I would have rather went to another school than this virgin hell hole. Anyways being with Najimi ain't all that bad. That is when he's not surrounded by a bunch of losers and pedos. He claims they're his "childhood friends". Whatever makes him happy I guess. Many thought I was Najimi's boyfriend which did make me feel a bit uncomfortable. He would be surrounded by a crowd while I'm sitting next to him.

Y/N: First the walking at the front gate. Second Komi. Third I'm stuck at a school with a bunch of morons. Can this damn day get any worse?

I shouldn't have said anything. Komi and that dude she was talking to earlier came in and were talking. Well, mainly the guy. He then goes up to a group of girls and talks to one who's name I remembered as Yamai Ren.

She whispers something in his ear and shoos him away. Wonderful. I'm hating this school more and more. I focus on my phone and stick next to Najimi who was just chilling while watching me play Angry Birds.

I then saw through the corner of my eye that the guy was approaching us with Komi.


Najimi: Hm? Oh! Tadano! Say, you really flubbed your introduction yesterday. Anyway whaddaya need? How can your old friend help you out? Oh...hi Komi...

Even Najimi didn't seem to thrilled on seeing Komi. I just kept playing on my phone. Komi stood next to him and just...stared at Najimi.

Tadano: Komi this is Najimi Osana. And that' what's your name?

He points at me and Komi's attention is now on me. I really don't want to get involved in their nonsense but I guess I got nothing to lose.

Y/N: It's Y/N L/N.

Tadano: Right! Komi that's Y/N L/N! The American transfer from yesterday!

Wow, what a way to go Tadano. Komi looks at me curiously and stares at me. Her staring is starting to creep me out. Tadano went on to introduce us but later flipped out when he saw his childhood friend is now a girl. I just ignored the whole thing and stood up from my chair. I saw I was now awkwardly standing next to Komi. She is pretty tall up close. We both meet eye to eye.

After a bit of flirting, Najimi let's Tadano proceed on what he was going to say.

Tadano: Alright Komi, try practicing what we said earlier.

She takes a couple of steps forward and clasps both of her hands while looking at Najimi.

Komi: L-Let's be-be-be-be-be-be

Tadano: Hey, that's better than this morning. She's trying to say "Let's be friends".

Y/N: What the hell?

Najimi: What the heck Tadano? Seriously? What the heck?!

Tadano: That's the favor. I want both of you to be Komi's friends.

Najimi: Oh! I sorry. Absolutely not. Okay?

Y/N: Um, I'll pass too!

Tadano looks at us with shocked faces. He looks at Najimi sternly.

Y/N: Uh oh.

Tadano: Osana, can I talk to you for a sec?

They both leave the classroom. I'm now standing with Komi. I then notice she's just looking at me.

Y/N: Hey kid, what's up with everyone treating you like their queen or something? Will I get in trouble if I don't do the same or....

All she did was just stare.

Let's Talk!  Komi Shouko x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now