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I woke up to the sound of sizzling coming from the kitchen. I looked up to see Najimi making something in the kitchen. My uniform was next to me so I put it on and joined him in the kitchen.

Najimi: Ah Y/N! You're awake! Want some breakfast?

Y/N: I didn't think this place had running gas for cooking.

Najimi: Hey! I know this place is a dump but at least be grateful you have something to eat.

Y/N: I guess that's a fair point. Anyway, what are you making?

Najimi: Basic stuff like eggs and bacon.

Y/N: Alright I'll have some then.

I sit down on the unstable wooden table and wait for Najimi to finish cooking. He turns the stove off and serves the food on two plates. He sets them on the table and we begin to eat. It was alright. The food wasn't anything special. At least it's something to fill my stomach with for the morning.

After breakfast, Najimi changes and we went down the flight of stairs and into his car. The drive to school was filled with being teased about yesterday. I had completely forgot about Komi sleeping on me. I didn't really see it as a big deal. The cat toy she forgot about was in my coat pocket. I'm planning on handing Komi her toy and apologizing to her.

We pulled up to the school and we got out. I stretched and grabbed my backpack. Najimi turned the car off and got out too. He closed the door and we walked to the entrance. The school and everyone in it was still the same. It kind of looked like the students stopped giving me hateful looks after I gave one of them a piece of my mind.

Najimi: Come on Y/N. Let's change our shoes.

We went to the little lockers and swapped our shoes. No big deal. But when we went to class things seemed different. Komi was with Tadano and she seems more lively. She was holding something silver in her hand.

Najimi: They seem busy. Let's leave them be.

Y/N: Alright then.

I started to pick up on something. Najimi looked to be bothered.

Y/N: Everything good?

Najimi: Nah. 

Y/N: Lemme guess. You're jealous he's talking with Komi.

Najimi: must be jealous he's talking with Komi!

Y/N: Not really. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up with him. They're together 24/7.

Najimi: I guess you have a point. But hey you have me and our home!

Y/N: I'm not into you man.

Najimi: If you say so hehe. But hey if you ever need anything I'm here okay! Like a shoulder to cry on! Or to release your sexual frustrations, remember I'm here!

He hugs my side and I'm not sure how to react. I've never felt love or anyone wanting me so I'm not sure what to do. Najimi just looks at me curiously.

Najimi: What's wrong? Don't like hugs?

Y/N: I've never felt one before. From my parents or anyone.....

He looks at me like he was trying to console me. I just sat there. I don't know really know how to react when someone hugs me. Najimi hugging me was out of nowhere.

Najimi: If you don't want to talk about it that's fine. 

My thoughts are interrupted when I see Komi walk up to us with a silver block. 

Najimi: Why is she walking up to us with a flip phone?

He's panicking in his seat and grabs onto my arm tightly. 

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