They walk in on you changing

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-was too excited to tell you about something that he completely forgot to knock
-leaves the room right away and apologizes through the door
-forgot what he was going to tell you

-immediately noticed what he just walked in to
-eyes go so wide bro
-slams the door shut behind him and leans up against the outside of the door processing what just happened
-it happened so fast you hardly knew what was going on
-doesn't make eye contact with you for two days

-he left his book in your bag the other day
-walks right in and closes the door before realizing you're half naked
-turns right around taking his glasses off and putting his head down
-apologizes with a huge blush creeping across his face
-"even if i were to turn around I couldn't see anything :)"

-you had your back turned and didn't realized he walked into the room
-completely lost his train of thought but will never admit it
-he whistles at you to catch your attention
-smirks at you
-frowns when you finish getting dresses, pouts a little

-"hey have you seen Meeks? I need help on the bio homewo-"
-man freezes, absolutely no idea what to do
-you throw a shirt back on and have to go close the door yourself
-apologizes once his brain is back up and running

-he had a bad day so he came to complain your ear off
-paid zero attention to the fact that you're in the middle of getting dressed
-laid down on your bed staring at the ceiling telling you how awful his day was
-you have to call his name to get him to realize what's going on
-"oh fuck, sorry"
-covers his eyes and continues to complain about his day o

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