Telling them youre pregnant

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-you come to one of his rehearsals to watch and wait for him to finish
-he noticed you right away and after rehearsals waits for you up on stage
-you stand together and spook out over the empty audience in silence for a moment
"Neil, I'm pregnant" you whisper to him, still looking out at the empty seats
-takes a minute for it to sink in, but as soon as it does he's jumping up and down across stage
-throws his arms around you and tell you how happy his is and how he can't believe it
-you can tell he's nervous about being a father, but you reassure his silent thoughts and tell him how amazing he's going to be
-calls the boys as soon as you guys get home to tell them the good news

-you decided to tell him late at night as you two are drifting off into asleep
-bolts upright in bed and looks at you in the dark
-"did you actually just say that or was I dreaming" he asks as he reaches over to turn on the bedside lamp
-"Todd, I am pregnant"
-looks back and forth between your face and stomach for a minute before you laugh and place his hand over your stomach
-even though he can't feel anything, he feels so close to his future baby
-you guys stay up for hours talking all about the baby and how your gonna decorate the nursery, possible names, how much he's gonna love it, etc
-he calls Neil bright and early the next morning to tell him the good news

-overheard you talking to your friend on the phone about how you don't know how to tell him and need to find the right moment
-"whatcha talking about" he asks as he snakes his arms around your waist and rests his chin on your shoulder, placing a soft kiss to your neck
-you say goodbye to your friend saying better now than never
-you heave in a big breath before telling him how you're pregnant
-thinks he heard you wrong, thinks you mean to say your friend is the pregnant one
-you have to tell him that it's you that's pregnant
-drags you over to the couch so you can cuddle and so he can tell you how excited he is

-you guys are in the middle of a big fight
-he asks if you even love him
-"you want to know how much I love you? I'm having your baby you idiot"
-you storm out of the room leaving him hella shocked
-quickly snaps back to reality and follows you asking what you meant
-after taking a few breaths to calm down you confirm that you are in fact pregnant
-his face lights up and he scoops you up into his arms spinning you in a circle
-puts you down  and kisses you passionately
-places his forehead against yours and apologizes for arguing with you and how much he loves you and your future child

-he has a long and bad day at work and came home wanting to just go to bed
-you made him his favorite meal and dragged him out to the table to eat together
-you decide you know the best way to lift his mood
-"Gerard, I think I know how to cheer you up"
-he looks at you slightly unimpressed but motions for you to continue
-"I'm pregnant"
-he drops his silverware and looks at his plate for a minute before looking up at you
-"are you really?"
-you nod and his face lights up with the biggest smile
-is so excited he can't contain himself
-takes you a few minutes to calm him down and get him to finish eating but the baby is all he can think about

-you guys already had a night out planned so you thought it would be a good time to tell him
-you went out to dinner at one of your favorite restaurants and then went for a late night walk in the park
-he reaches out for your hand and you slip a piece of paper into his outstretched palm
-he looks at you confused before stopping below a street light to open the paper
-written on it is a small poem, the finished up by telling him you're pregnant
-rereads it 4 times before actually look up at you in amazement
-you smile at him and he pull you into his arms, placing a kiss on the top of your head
-he cannot breath he's so excited
-basically skips back to the car holding your hand
-makes sure to open your door for you, because now he has 2 of you to take care of

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