When its your birthday

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-puts it on his calendar as well as a reminder a week in advance so he remembers to get you something
-gets you your favorite book that you keep borrowing from the library
-makes sure to call you a few days in advance to let you know he wants to see you on your birthday and so you can make plans together

-wants to spend the whole day with you
-tells you the night before to call him as soon as you wake up so he can come see you
-takes you to town so you can hold hands and window shop together all day
-you guys go get a milkshake to split

-works his homework schedule around your birthday
-wants to make sure he spends time with you to remind you how much he adores you
-gets you flowers and tells you that even though they're beautiful, their beauty could never compare to yours

-wants to spend the day cuddling
-enjoys getting to hold you close so what better day to do so than your birthday
-tells you about all the little things you do that he loves
-you fall asleep together and the boys are nice enough not to wake you

-takes you for a picnic in the park
-got his mom to make all your favorite picnic foods and drop them off to him in the morning
-get there early to set up and has Todd go and sit there while he goes to get you, making sure everything stays perfect
-reads you a poem a wrote for you, it's super sweet, just like him

-takes you out to dinner at your favorite restaurant
-spends the night smiling and admiring you
-tells you how much he loves you over dessert
-is a gentleman so he takes you home and gives you a goodnight kiss before he leaves
-calls you the next day to tell you he had an amazing time and thinks you should do this more often

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