Finding you asleep with the baby

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They find you asleep on the couch with the baby laying on your chest also asleep

-you're holding each of the baby's in your arms, each of you sleeping peacefully
-carefully places both babies in their cribs and comes back to cover you with a blanket
-he quietly makes dinner, knowing how exhausted you are
-when you finally wake up, he's sitting on the floor in front of the couch reading a book with his hand softly tracing circles over your leg
-tells you how he found you and how he's taken care of everything and that dinner will be done in 10 minutes
-you pull him up onto the couch so you can lay together

-gets concerned when you don't great him at the door after work
-frantically walks through the house looking for you and the baby only to find you too asleep together
-feels all his anxiety disappear from the day
-turns on the tv and makes sure the volume is almost all the way down, making sure not to wake you
-carefully picks up your legs and sits down on the couch and places your legs onto his lap
-enjoys the news while you two girls sleep peacefully

-walks in the door ready to tell you all about his day
-started talking while he took of his shoes and tie and continued as he walked through the house getting ready for a relaxing night at home with you
-Knox was supposed to come over in half and hour to pick up the baby to give you two a night alone for the first time in a few months
-he found you fast sleep on the couch with the baby and realized how hard it must be to take care of the little guy all day
-let you two lay together and waited for Knox to come
-as nervous as he was to let the baby out of both of your sights for a few hours, he knew you both needed it
-quietly let Knox in to take the baby and laid down with you once they left

-knows you've hardly slept lately and promises to take care of the baby as soon as he got home today
-found his girls asleep on the couch and couldn't stop himself from kicking off his shoes and joining
-your daughter started to wake up when he laid down besides you so he took her into his arms and calmed her back to sleep
-you wake up to find him cuddled up with you and the baby
-you can't help but smile as you lay there with them

-he had gone out to get groceries and you had told him you were going to try to lay down for a bit
-he didn't expect you to sleeping on the couch
-the baby started to stir when he walked through the door, so he picked him up and rocked him back to sleep before putting him down in his crib
-quietly puts away the groceries and does a few chores around the house because he knows it's been bothering you, but you haven't had the energy to do anything lately
-kisses your forehead before carrying you to bed for the night

-found you after you weren't responding to him
-couldn't help but smile at the two of you looking so peaceful
-picked up the baby and sat down with him of the chair across from you
-rocked the baby back to sleep and watched you in your peaceful state until he too fell asleep
-you wake up to quite the sight and have to go get the camera
-you make dinner and wake Knox up with a soft kiss on his cheek
-he groggily smiles and tells you he loves you

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