When they miss your birthday :(

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-practicing his lines for an upcoming play
-not until the day after your birthday that he remembers mid rehearsal
-breaks character for a moment and struggles to get back into character because he feels so guilty
-as soon as reversal is done he goes to find you, but not before stopping for flowers first

-his brother is in town and his parents want to have family time
-is so stressed about living up to his brother that he forgets it's your birthday
-jolts awake at 2am remembering and cries a little cause he feels like a bad boyfriend
-calls you in the morning to apologize and explains the situation
-there's no way to be mad at this little baby

-has been studying for a BIG test coming up and so it completely slipped his mind
-you avoid him for a few days and it's not until Pitts says something that he notices
-deeply conflicted on what to do because the test is tomorrow
-decides that he's studied enough and goes to find you and apologize
-you spend the night stargazing

-wasn't even busy, just forgot it was coming up
-you tried to hint at it but he wasn't getting it
-you get upset and ignore him for a few days, but he just figures you're studying for an upcoming test or something
-finally remembers a few days later when he looks at the calendar and realizes he missed it
-feels really bad so he takes you out to dinner, even after your protests cause you're still kinda upset
-you guys end up having a great night and he vows to never forget your birthday again

-he's been super sick lately and has bad brain fog
-you didn't want to remind him it was your birthday because you knew he would feel bad cause he can't do anything for you
-remembers a few days later when he feels better after waking up from a nap
-still feels kinda gross so he convinces Meeks to bring you flowers and a note that Pitts wrote for you
-vows to make it up to you once he feels better

-he's been procrastinating on a big biology project coming up
-is so busy working on it whenever he gets a free minute that he totally forgets its your birthday
-heard Neil talking about how he got you a card and instantly remembers
-feels so bad for forgetting your birthday
-calls you to explain that he forgot and that he would love to come see you but has a big project due soon
-feels so bad even though you forgive him
-wants to make it up to you somehow

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