"Practise and lots of it. Now scram, the smell of desperation is making my nostrils ache." Lottie smiled sweetly.

"We're not done here-"Jackson started, getting cut off as Derek lunged for him and pushed him against the lockers by his neck.

"Okay! Time to go." Lottie said, tugging on Derek's arm as he reluctantly let go. "You okay, Jackass?" She asked, turning back to face him. She didn't hate the guy, she just hated how entitled he was, it's not like she actually wanted real harm to come to him. When she received a stunned nod she grabbed Derek by the arm and tugged him towards the exit. "So Clifford, why the long face?"

"I need Scott." He muttered through gritted teeth.

"That's cute. Any reason why?" She asked as he fell into her side. She slung his arm around her shoulder as she led them to where Stiles' Jeep was.

"Just get me to Scott." She stopped walking and turned to give him a pointed look. "Please." He grunted.

"Much better. Let's go." She guided them to Stiles' jeep, standing in front of it as he began to pull away causing him as well as every car behind him to slam their brakes. Lottie waved at Stiles as she struggled to hold Derek's weight.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked as he made his way over from the bike rack, trying to tug him off Lottie who just held on tighter, shaking her head at the boy.

"Dude, he's not looking too good." Stiles added, sticking his head out the car window.

"I was shot." Derek panted.

"What? Why didn't you say that, you idiot?" Lottie gasped out.

"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked.

"I can't. It was a different kind of bullet-"

"A silver bullet?" Stiles asked eagerly as he got out of the car.

"No, you idiot-" Derek sassed.

"Hey, don't call him an idiot, idiot. Only I can call him an idiot." Lottie defended, adjusting the giant of a man leaning on her as he began to get too heavy for her to hold. "Can someone give me a hand?"

"Wait a second. That's what she meant when she said 48 hours." Scott said.

"What? Who said 48 hours?"

"The woman that shot you."

Derek sucked in a sharp breath before exhaling and letting his eyes glow a fluorescent blue... in the middle of the packed school parking lot.

"What are you doing? Stop that." Scott continued.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. I can't."

"Can someone please help me hold him up, my back is starting to hurt." Lottie complained, completely disregarding the fact she was holding up a man who had been shot. People had started to blast their horns at Stiles' jeep at this point which was making the situation far more stressful.

"Help me put him in your car." Scott said to Stiles, taking Derek off Lottie's hands.

"Him? My Jeep? No way." Stiles refused.

"Stiles. He looks like he's dying, come on." Lottie insisted. She climbed into the passenger seat as they put Derek in the back.

"I need you to find the same kind of bullet. I have to know what they used." Derek told Scott as he shut the door.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Scott asked.

"She's an Argent. She's with them-"

"Why should I help you?" Scott queried, not convinced by the demands coming from the older werewolf.

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