==Time to Strike==

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==:Mephiles Pov:==

After getting another Chaos Emerald it was a race to get the very last one since we now only have two, after researching to find the last Emerald and it's location we made our move. We finally made to the place where the last Emerald was located we searched around the perimeter, Scourge heard Sonic along with the rest of the idiots behind him coming our way but thankfully Fiona managed to find the last Emerald we we're looking for I debated whether we should stay or not but I decided to head back since I didn't want spoil the surprise yet of course Scourge along with Fiona protest but when I revealed my intentions they paused then agreed, once we returned to the hideout I returned to my office with the Chaos Emeralds that we had obtained I pondered through my thoughts until I hear a sweet voice behind "Ah forgive me I didn't hear you come In did you need something my dear?" I spoke as I didn't take my eyes of the emeralds suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me I felt my body tense up a bit since I was not used being touched "What are you doing?" I asked the person who holding me "If I'm going to completely on honest master I don't know why I am touching you like this" She spoke softly as they kept holding me in their embrace strangely it didn't bother me when they held me like this instead I felt my body relaxed almost if I welcomed their touch which surprised me since I hated being touched by anyone unless I made a move first I turn my body towards them looking into their eyes I couldn't help stare at them I felt my heart going faster when I looked at her I didn't understand why, I pondered on what this feeling could be losing myself into my thoughts.

==:Shadow's Pov:==

We make our way towards where the last Chaos Emerald is located but once we got there we couldn't find any traces of the last Chaos Emerald "Tails are you sure we're at the right place" Blaze questioning the two tailed fox before answering he checks just to make sure "Yes we are" Tails looks at his locator I sighed out of annoyance thinking it was some kind of joke I decided to walk around the area getting far away from those idiots as possible, while walking around something caught my attention turns out it was a letter, I pick up the letter and returned back. We made it back to HQ and read the letter I found "Greetings if you are reading this that means I had collected the last Chaos Emerald all we need is the one you took from us whether you give them to us or not either way those Chaos Emeralds are as good as mine! But I should warn you that the next time you see us it will not be your last for I have a special surprise in stock for you that I have been Dying to show you I mean after all the apple doesn't fall far from the tree I while I've hanging around trying my hands on the Chaos Emeralds while stop and smelling the Roses as I'm at it but in the meantime I hope you're prepared for what is next to come.. Yours Truly Mephiles"  Tails said finishing the letter but as everyone go and 'prepare' I asked Tails for the letter before leaving he nodded and gave me the letter, I decided head to another room since it was impossible to concentrate thanks to them being so loud.

I found a room that was unoccupied so I shut the door behind me and turn on the desk lamp then sat down. I noticed something off about Mephiles letter but no matter how many times I look over it there's something bugging me I found it odd when Mephiles highlighted Dying, Fall, Hanging, and Roses as I try putting the pieces together when suddenly "Shadow are you in here?" It was Sally out of people she decided to follow me "Yes" I responded not taking my eyes off the letter she gently shuts the door behind her and walks up to me "What are you doing?" She asked almost trying to start up a conversation I almost sighed out of annoyance out loud but I managed to keep calm, I hardly ever spoken to Sally since her arrival the first time we did interact was at the picnic it's not like I didn't want to get to know her but the 'relationship' that me and Sally have kinda reminds me of how you moved in into a new neighborhood and your neighbors decided to show up and introduce themselves once and never speak to you again that's what it felt like with Sally "Well I'm trying to figure this thing out" she leans closer to me as if trying to get a better look while she studies the paper "Why did you write the highlighted words down?" She asked while tilting her head "Well look at the way it's written doesn't it look odd?" I turned my direction towards her after she looked at it once more and thinks about it a bit before answering me "You're right" she says then ponders to herself I let her do whatever as I study the note but no matter how hard I look at it the pieces just doesn't fit together. 

Couple of hours had passed Sally and everyone decided to go home all but me there's something bugging about this letter I sighed getting out of the chair, I decided to make myself some coffee to clear my mind I stand there waiting for the coffee to finish brewing but as I wait I couldn't get those word out of my head but I decided to push those thoughts aside for now and tried to distract myself from the topic I walk up to the window looking at the stars and reminess the times I shared with Maria but while going through the memories of Maria Amy started to pop up in the picture for some reason I hadn't gotten over her but why? Sure she's an amazing friend but why does it hurt so much everytime I think about her my chest hurts like I've just been stabbed by someone, I didn't like this feeling in fact I wanted nothing more then to buried this feeling away "*Sigh* Fuck I can't take this" I said to myself wondering how I got myself into this mess I went outside to clear my mind and mostly to smoke since I didn't like to smoke inside, I blew the smoke from my cigarette just trying to clear my thoughts I continue smoking when the thoughts came back to me.

==:Normal Pov:==

As Shadow sits outside underneath the stars holding his cigarette hoping to clear the fog in his head when suddenly a sharp pain began running through his head like he had been shot his vision began to go blurry, while fighting to keep consciousness white visions flow through his head almost like he had an epilepsy, the visions continued to run through his head showing the highlighted words, Mephiles standing across the ravine, Amy hanging on for dear life, Mephiles laughter echoed inside his head mocking him, it felt the world began to spin around Shadow as he clutches his head in pain still fighting to keep consciousness bells began to ring around him almost as he was inside a church he tries to cover his ears hoping to lower the sound but to no effect Shadow tried his best to snap out of this situation he somehow got himself in the bells just kept ringing louder and louder Shadow yelled in pain wanting it to stop when suddenly it stops. Shadow heads back inside and headed straight to the room ignoring the coffee he had made for himself, closing the door behind him he looked a hard good look at the letter when it clicked he had put the pieces together.

End of Chapter-

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