==Caught In The Act==

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==:Amy's Pov:==

It was a beautiful day the birds were chirping, wind blowing the leaves off the branches, sun shining brightly and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, I decided to go for a little stroll out in the park since it was beautiful out, as I walked through the park that was surrounded by the forest and town full of people I saw Sonic in my view excited I called out to him but unfortunately he didn't hear me and headed into the forest curious I followed Sonic into the woods making sure he didn't notice me Sonic kept walking deeper into the forest then stopped 'That's strange why did he stop?' As I plan to sneak attack him into my soul crunching hugs a girl I've never seen before ran over to Sonic and jumped into his arms Sonic returned her embrace and twirled her around then looked deeply into each other eyes I turned away hoping this was all some nightmare I even pinched my cheek hoping to confirm my suspicious unfortunately I wasn't dreaming and this was all real still trying to keep my cool and not smash Sonic and that girl into the ground with my Piko Piko Hammer, as I kept my cool I look back to see Sonic and that girl kissing shocked at what I'm seeing my heart staring to break, clearly upset and betrayed I ran as fast I could eventually making it home throwing myself on my bed crying myself to sleep.

==:Next Morning:==

I woke up feeling like garbage, I rubbed my eyes while getting up then decided to take a shower, as I got out of the shower drying myself off I heard my phone going off I picked up my phone and saw it was Rouge was calling me I was hesitant since after yesterday I wasn't in the mood to see anyone at the moment but answered anyway "H-hello?" "Hey hun I just wanted to let you know that Sonic had some 'important announcement' or whatever" I felt chills going down my spine reminded of yesterday I'm pretty sure I know what this big 'important announcement' is I took a deep breath "Oh really? Are you sure because remember the last time Sonic had a big 'important announcement' and it turned out it wasn't as serious as we thought?" "I thought so as well but once I heard that Shadow was here I just had too see for myself!" I shocked when I heard Shadow was there, usually Shadow would avoid these kind of things. After talking to Rouge I ended the call and sighed I dried myself off then gotten dress and headed to were Rouge told me to meet as I made my way I saw everybody already there waiting for Sonic I put on a smile then walked over to them "Hey guys!" I said as I waved while walking over to them "Hey Amy glad you could join us" Tails said waving back at me with a smile "Ugh were is he I want to know what this big 'important announcement' is seriously this waiting and suspense is killing me" Rouge said impatiently tapping her foot along with her arms crossed, the others began guessing what Sonic big 'important announcement' is I just kept silent about 1 minute later Sonic finally arrives and along side him was the same girl I saw him kissing yesterday I felt my heart ache with pain. "Hey guys sorry for making you wait but there is someone I want you to meet and I'm sure some of you already know her" The girl that he kissed yesterday walked up next to him and placed her hand on her hips and put on a sly smiled next thing I knew Knuckles, Tails, all ran over to her and embraced her "It's so nice too see you again how've you been? " Knuckles said releasing Sally "I've been great!" She responded with a smile after they all catch up a bit, after catching up we then all introduced ourselves to Sally I was patiently waiting until it was my turn to introduced myself I decided to keep quiet about yesterday since I didn't want to make it awkward then it already was, finally it was my turn to introduced myself to her I put on a smile "You must be Amy it's so nice to finally meet you Sonic told me about you!" She said extending her hand out with a smile to be honest I didn't want to returned her hand shake but I knew it would act suspicious if I didn't so I returned her hand shake and besides I didn't want any drama between us "It's nice to meet you to Sally (not)" I said still smiling after we separated I could hear a small slight sigh of relief from the others but I just act like I didn't hear it Rouge walks up next to me and whispers into my ear "You scared us for a second there hun you sure you're alright?" Rouge said with a tint of concern but I just nodded in response.

After Sally's arrival they all decided to celebrate and party I didn't want to go but I basically didn't have a choice at this point, while everyone was partying I saw Sonic and Sally together talking of course I was jealous but I managed to act like I wasn't but inside I definitely was, as I look at Sonic and Sally talking I saw something that caught my eye I noticed how Sonic's eyes would soften when he looks at Sally after realizing it I thought back at the times that me and Sonic would hang out but he never looked at me like that before instead he would looked annoyed whenever I was chasing him or even just being near him it hurt thinking how Sonic eyes would soften around her and not me after I saw it I realized that Sonic was deeply In love with Sally, it pained me deeply knowing Sonic was In love with Sally but I wanted him to be happy and if that means letting him be with Sally then I guess I'll have to accept it of course it was going to take some time for me to move on but it was the right thing to do. After I finished my drink I headed towards the porch outside to get some air, I sat down on the steps thinking on where to go next as I pondered I hear a familiar husk voice calling out of the darkness I look up to find Shadow standing there almost blending in the darkness but stands out a little bit thanks to the lit cigarette in his hand "What's up with you?" Shadow said walking over to me while blowing the smoke out of his cigarette "Oh nothing just thinking" he looks at me confused "About?" He said sitting down next to me cigarette still at hand "Well..Things.." I sighed "Hmm let me guess Sonic and that Acorn chick right?" I nodded knowing Shadow would be the only one who could figure me out "I'm giving up on him" I said looking down.

==:Shadow's Pov:==

I noticed Rose's smile when looking at Sally I could tell that something wasn't right I decided to keep quiet knowing Rose had her reasons. Of course the of the idiots decided to celebrate Sally's arrival but not me I refused but of course Rouge had to pull 'Is the Ultimate Life Form a pussy?' Bullshit, Of course after she said that I couldn't really refuse I really hate going to parties or gatherings especially being around so many people I decided to go in the back to smoke since it calms me down I know these things aren't good for me but I really had no interest of stopping, I stood underneath the tree looking at the stars, I hear a door open I look over to find Rose sitting on the back porch in deep thought curious I call out to her she looks over at me "What's up with you?" I ask walking over to her while blowing the smoke from my cigarette "Oh nothing just thinking" I look at her confused "About?" I ask while sitting down next to her "Well...Things.." I study her then finally put the pieces together "Let me guess Sonic and that Acorn chick?" She nodded knowing I already had figured her out "I'm giving up on him" I look over at her I could tell that she was being serious "Well it's about time" I smirked while putting out my cigarette she looks over as not expecting my reaction I look at her into her emerald eyes still smirking.

==:Amy's Pov:==

I look at him showing him that I was serious I was expecting Shadow to make fun of me "Well it's about time" he smirked my eyes widen I was stunned at his reaction I stared at him, As I kept staring at Shadow I couldn't stop looking into his blood red eyes getting lost into them "Rose?" snapping out of my daze I noticed that I was inches away from his face our noses were almost touching "Gah! I-I um I'm sorry I don't know what's gotten into me!" I quickly backed myself away from Shadow embarrassed I hid myself between my legs hiding my burning face "Pfff-Hahaha-Ahahaha" I look over to find Shadow laughing I never seen Shadow laugh before "Stop laughing it's not funny?!" I pouted upset Shadow manged to calm down then stood up offering his hand "Why don't we ditch this place and leave the blue idiot and others freaks?" Shadow said looking at me I nodded and took Shadows hand he took out a Chaos Emerald then said "CHAOS CONTROL".

End of Chapter-

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