==A Night to Remember==

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==:Amy's Pov:==

I opened my eyes to find myself at the Ceremony Cite the place were we last fought Mephiles and hopefully destroying him in the process "Isn't this the Ceremony Cite, what are we doing here?" Shadow nodded "I wanted to check out something wait here" He then left me standing in the middle of the Cite as I patiently wait for Shadow to return I heard a strange noise coming from the bushes I turned around looking around for the source of the mysterious noise curious I decided to get a little closer almost as if it was calling to me. "Sorry to keep you waiting" I turn around a run up to Shadow shaking Shadow was surprised by the sudden embrace but just returned it instead of questioning it.

Shadow teleported us away, I opened my eyes once more to find myself standing in the middle of the garden, the garden was overgrown with exotic plants and flowers, trees with unusual colors that normal trees doesn't have there was a lake that surrounded the area shimmering in the moonlight like crystals and waterfall that looked like diamonds it was magical I felt like a princess lost in a fairytale I twirled around the area taking it all in "This place is so beautiful" I stopped to look at Shadow "I come here to get away from the world" he said walking around the area "Thank you Shadow I needed this" I said looking at him giving him a gentle smile.

==:Shadow's Pov:==

I brought us to a Garden that I had found I come here to get away from the world especially to get away from that Faker and his pathetic friends that's why I decided to keep this place a secret but Rose on the other hand I always wanted to bring her here I knew she would love it, I looked over at her, her eyes began to sparkles reflecting the shimmer off the lake I couldn't stop looking at her for some reason, I always tried to keep my distance from the Faker and the rest of the idiots from getting into there messes but Rose was the only one I could feel comfortable to being around with which was strange to me I never understood what she saw in me she always saw the good in people I never did understand why. "Does anyone else know about this place?" Rose said as she tilted her head I shook my head reassuring her she smiled at me I felt my heart going like crazy and my face felt like burning but but I managed to keep it in, I stood there watching Rose twirling around I began to remember about Maria and the moments we shared and how much her and Rose had in common as I was in deep thought I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body I snap out of my thoughts and realize Rose was hugging me "Uh Rose what are you doing?" I said looking at her.

==:Amy's Pov:==

As I twirled around the area I saw Shadow standing there he looked like he was in deep thought, I was about to snap him back but stopped I decided to take this chance and sneak attack him I walked around and made sure not to act suspicious luckily Shadow was still standing there I quickly sneak attack before he snaps back to reality. I hugged Shadow into a gentle embrace instead of my soul crushing hugs that I give Sonic since I knew Shadow didn't like to be touched by anybody especially by Rouge so I was a bit nervous when hugging Shadow as I hug Shadow I could feel his body tense up a bit "Rose what are you doing?" He said in a stern cold voice "I just thought that um uh...I" I felt chills going down my spine I feel him staring at me and I began to regret the 'sneak attack' "S-sorry I just wanted..um I'll let go-" As I try to release him from my hug I could feel a pair a arms wrapped around me pulling us closer together I was surprised that he had returned my embrace I've hugged Shadow before but not like this. I look up at him and saw myself reflecting in his blood red eyes of his almost losing myself in them. As we both stare into each other eyes leaning closer eventually- *Ribbit* we both look at the noise apparently a frog decided to came out of the bushes ruining the moment, we look back at each other and noticed how close we were I felt my face burn of embarrassment we both back away from each other hiding our embarrassed faces awhile of awkward silence Shadow looked at me and smiled "May I have this dance" he said while holding out his hand my heart began beating like crazy I was afraid he could hear my heart going crazy but I calmed myself down a bit, I couldn't help but giggle at how Shadow being a gentleman I nodded accepting his offer "Why of course" I responded by jokingly curtsy to him like a princess would do he chuckled the took my hand then pulled me closer to him I blushed of how close we are then soon after getting the hang of it we started to dance in sync with each other it felt like a dream a dream that I didn't want to wake up.

==:Normal Pov:==

But little did they both know they were being watched by a unknown figure sitting there watching The pink little hedgehog and The black hedgehog as well a grin appeared on this unknown figure face *deep voice* "Perfect" then the unknown figure disappeared into the darkness waiting for there chance to strike.

After an hour Shadow was kind enough to warp Amy home they both said there goodbyes and parted ways, Amy close her door behind her then heads towards the kitchen to make herself something to eat so she can take a shower, as she dried herself off Amy stops and looks up and opens the window as she had felt like she was been watched by someone as she peak her head out the window to get a better look around but to her suspicion there was nobody that she had seen to be fair the sun had set and the sky had darkened to were the moon was out of sight behind the clouds covering it, she brushed it off thinking she was just being paranoid and just decided to head to bed and began to dream of the night she had with Shadow.

End of Chapter-

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