Chapter 2

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Donnie picked up the book Raph left them still holding Lilith in his other arm "ok so I guess we can start with some brain simulating videos, then afterwards a nutritionist meal, and according to Raph's book and these child care sites Lilith will need a nap" as Donnie turned on a rather boring educational show for Lilith on the TV Apirl laughed as she texted her mother  "do you think this is going to keep her busy?" Donnie smiled "of course if she truly has my DNA Lilith must share my love of knowledge" Donnie said confidently as he sat Lilith down on the couch.

Splinter laughed "oh Purple you are funny" Donnie gave a nervous laugh "what do you mean-" Donnie then saw Lilith getting off the couch crawling back to the pile of action figures picking up a Jupiter Jim action figure doing raspberries as she raised the figure up and down.

Splinter crossed his arms "see" Donnie sighed "ok then what will be entertaining for her Pa Pa, since you clearly have more answers than books and the internet combined" Donnie asked with a hint angry in his tone.

The three of them thought a moment "what about Lou Jitsu movies" Splinter suggested, Donnie shook his head "no too violent for her age" Splinter huffed "I let you four watch when you were just baby turtles and you turned out fine"

Apirl then snapped her fingers "oh I know" she then snatched the remote turned on 'Sesame Street' which immediately Lilith dropped the action figure and ran to the TV

Donnie was confused "wait what is this?" Apirl shrugged "it's an educational show for kids and clearly someone is already fan" Apirl said pointing to Lilith.

As one of the puppets announced "today's show is brought to by the letter 'R'!" Lilith then mimics " letter r!"

Splinter laughs "so cute though she doesn't talk much"

Donnie nodded "I did notice that to but Lilith is still young, also she has possibly been raised by questionable people and thankfully has time to learn" Donnie said with a calm smile. Then the puppet on the screen said " 'rock' 'log' 'tree' which one starts with the letter 'R'?" Donnie looked Lilith thinking then pointed to the rock "R!" with the puppet seemingly answering her back "that's right 'rock' starts with the letter 'R' good job" Lilith clapped giggling.

Donnie smiled at Lilith thinking 'she is already so smart' then a Apirl's phone started to ring making Donnie snap out of his thoughts Apirl picked up the phone "oh hey mom, you got the stuff?....ok I will let you in" Donnie blinked a few times "wait your mother is here? we haven't even formally met yet or even explained this whole situation not to mention Lilith here"

Apirl smiled "relax Dee my Mom will be cool with this plus she loves little kids" Donnie sighed "ok but tell her first before bring her in"

Apirl gave him a thumbs up "got it" Donnie sat down next to Lilith on the floor, while Splinter sat on his chair.


As Apirl popped out of the sewer her Mother was right there waiting "hey mom" then climbed all the way out.

Her mother then looked at Apirl confused "so I brought over what you asked for honey some of your old toys and even a play pin" putting them down "now tell me what do you need them for because I know it's not for a science project" Apirl laughed nervously "ok so before I tell you that I need to tell you about my friends" her Mother's eyes lit up "oh you mean Donatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael I never met them but you have talk about them plenty of times"

Apirl nodded "yeah well they aren't exactly um... human" her mother crossed her arms "go on" Apirl sighed "well my friends are  mutant turtles" Apirl's mother laughed "what and their father is a lizard" Apirl looked away "actually their father is a rat, but that's not the point here mom" her mother grew silent as Apirl had a serious look on her face "they need help and I don't know how to take care of a little kid" her mother then stopped her "honey stop... is there a kid with them?" Apirl shrugged "sort of" her Mother then shoved the box of toys in Apirl's arms "let's go"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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