Chapter 1

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5 years after the Krang almost destroyed New York City

The Mad Dogs still have mutant issues in New York City thanks to the oozquitoes Barron Daxem made all those years ago.

Though there is nothing that the Mad dogs couldn't handle until one fateful night.

Mikey was busy making Jasmine rice with teriyaki chicken stir fry, Raph was lifting weights and Leo was trying different moves with his portalling skills.

Donnie on the other hand was looking over what was left of Sheldon's code, after Shedder and the Krang the only thing Donnie was able to save from Sheldon's original code was just basic commands 'an empty shell' the thought echoed in Donnie's mind.

Donnie as well as the rest of his family admits he doesn't get emotional often but seeing Donnie trying to piece together Sheldon together without his original code Donnie could barely look at the screen to view the results.

Just knowing the closest thing he had to a 'child' was gone so suddenly it hurt.

Donnie was thankful he didn't loose his brothers after everything that's happened but Donnie couldn't help but feel like he wanted a little bit more than that more than his tech, his programs....but what?

As Donnie closed out of Sheldon's leftover code he then noticed there was an alert about some sort of store's alarm being tripped.

Which wasn't unusual being New York City until Donnie looked at a nearby surveillance camera seeing a familiar glow of a portal just out of view in the alley way.

Donnie the poked at his call button "hey guys we got a robbery going on down town" which immediately everyone burst in Donnie's room with Leo shouting "finally it's been almost a month since anything exciting has happened" Mikey nodded "agreed I am getting so bored I was starting to consider other hobbies" Raph nodded "yeah so D what do we got?" Donnie shrugged "nothing exciting a store alarm went off, but from what I could tell a portal opened up-"

Before Donnie got another word out Leo made a portal shoving him through with Raph Mikey and Leo jumping behind him.

The four of them slowly approached the alley way where the portal was with Raph taking the lead.

As they walked down the alley they at first saw nothing then they heard something with a mix or a baby's cooing and chirping coming from behind one of the dumpsters

Raph without hesitation lifted pushed it back only to find a toddler mutant pond turtle with spikes down her back with white swirls on her cheeks as well as her elbows and knees, she was about the same size Mikey was at this age.

Donnie couldn't help but think 'so....cute she reminds me how small Sheldon first was when I first made him' feeling a small smile grow on his face.

The toddler pond turtle mutant reached out to Raph with a tired smile chirping. Making Donnie frown a bit that the little turtle wanted Raph over him.

Raph immediately scoops up the toddler and says "we have to take this cutie home" Leo shakes his head "no way what if this thing eats us in the middle of the night?" the toddler mutant pond turtle then yawns quickly falling asleep in Raph's arms.

Mikey gasped at the sight saying "awe" as puts his hands on his cheeks, Donnie leaned closer to the toddler mutant pond turtle saying "oh that is adorable", Leo crossed his arms looking less than thrilled.

Donnie over at Leo with a shrug "well... they are adorable"

They all go back to the lair with the guys getting the toddler mutant pond turtle set up in a big box with blankets and pillows with Donnie fussing the most about the tiny turtle.

Donnie's Tiny Turtle 🐢Where stories live. Discover now