Chapter Eleven•Over and Out

Start from the beginning

Once it was a reasonable hour for the two of them to begin hanging out again, Eliza headed over to the Grohl residence. She helped Dave load all of his bags into his car, and ate one final lunch with him and Virgina at the dining room table.

Finally, it was time to leave. Both Eliza and Virginia were going to drive him to the airport, so they all crammed into his car and took off.

It was about a half and hour drive to the airport, and for the entirety of the drive Dave did not let Eliza's hand out of his clutches. She swore she was going to have nail marks left in her skin when he finally released.

Eliza sighed as she saw the sign for the airport grow closer and closer. Eventually, Virginia pulled up to the airport entrance and parked the car. Eliza was too afraid to get out of the car, knowing that after she did it would only be a matter of minutes until Dave left.

"Dave, you're gonna be late." Virginia said softly, peering into the backseat. She knew her so. was sad and didn't wanna ruin the moment, but he also couldn't miss his flight.

"Yeah, mom. You're right. Let's go." Dave patted Eliza's knee before getting out of the car and going towards the trunk to start unloading.

Both Virginia and Eliza followed, and began helping him gather his belongings.

"You two go in there. I'll wait out here." Virginia said once Dave had all of his luggage in his hands.

"Are you sure?" Dave said.

"Of course. Goodbye, David. I love you."

"Awe mom, come here." Dave said, dropping his suitcase and tightly embracing his mom.

"Be safe." She whispered in his ear.

"I promise."

Dave parted with his mom by giving her a kiss on the cheek and waving as he and Eliza headed towards the airport entrance, hand in hand.

Eliza helped Dave navigate the airport, guiding him to where Scream said they'd meet up. She began to panic, as none of them were anywhere to be found, but was relieved when she spotted the group huddled together.

"Ey Davey! There ya are." Pete said, sauntering over and clapping him on the back.

Dave smiled, and Eliza could tell that he wasn't happy about the departure like the rest of the guys. They all talked for a bit until Eliza had to tell them to get moving. She still didn't know what they were gonna do without her.

"C'mon boys, you're all gonna miss the flight, and then what?" She said, pushing them all towards the gate.

They all laughed and headed towards the entrance.

"Ma'am, may I see your ticket?" One of the workers came up to Eliza after they reached the gate entrance.

"Oh, I'm not flying. Just saying goodbye."

"I'm sorry, but if you don't have a ticket, you can't go any farther."

Eliza sighed and looked at Dave. They both weren't ready to say goodbye, but it didn't look like they had any other options.

"I love you, Eliza." Dave said, scooping up her chin in his hands and gave her a long kiss.

"I'm gonna miss those." She said once he pulled away.

"Me too."

He looked down at his feet, and she could see the tears begin to well up in his eyes.

"Hey, no, no, no. None of that. This is a happy day. You're going on tour with your band in Europe. Smile." She said, lifting up his head.

He looked at her and made a forced, cheesy smile. They both erupted in laughter, gaining many passerbyers attention.

"Last call for anyone boarding flight 5276." The worker called out.

"Dave, go." Eliza said more firmly.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

He closed his eyes, blinking away the tears. He planted one final kiss on her forehead, and then walked away. Eliza stayed there, and watched him walk through the doors, making sure he actually boarded the plane. Not only that, but she wanted to soak up every last bit of Dave as she could. She watched as he opened the doors, and turned around and shot her one last smile before they banged shut behind him.

Eliza took a deep breath, wiped away the tears spilling out of her eyes, and headed back outside.

Three more months. She kept repeating to herself in her head. Only three more months.

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