He slowly made u sit and put ur head on the headboard in a supporting manner. Than he slowly took of all ur accessories including ur veil.

Jungkook then went downstairs to call a maid but than he remembered that all the maids are supposed to came the next morning.

He again went upstairs inside the bedroom he slowly approached u and gently shakes u in order to wake u up.

But he didn't knew that by waking u up he would only bring more troubles.

JK:"y/n wake up.......y/n u should fresh up u are not comfortable in this so get up.

He felt like talking to himself cause u didn't gave any responses neither u even moved a bit.

"If anyone could see u like this right now especially with me 80% of them would think that Jeon Jungkook killed his wife on their first night of marriage."

Again he tried to wake u up but nope no use u were still same as before.

"Yah are u dead or what I feel like talking to A doll"

Of course u were looking like a doll today all dressed up beautifully but it wasn't important. Jungkook again shakes u this time a bit hardly and all of a sudden a opened ur eyes like a robot making him fall on his butt cause of ur sudden move

"aish what is this behaviour y/n u scared the shit outta me"

Before he could touch u you rotate ur head towards his direction like Annabelle before giving him a creepy smile as if something have possessed u at least that's what Jungkook have thought at first.

"Yah what is wrong with u aish what a pain in ass. Now since u have woke up go and fresh up and wait I will bring something for u wear"

He said and went to the closet to bring something comfy for u to wear. As he was returning with the clothes in his hand seeing u all the clothes from his hand fall down on the floor.

There u were sitting on the floor in the middle of the room with ur hair in front.

There u were sitting on the floor in the middle of the room with ur hair in front

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(Imagine it's in the middle of the room)

All of a sudden u started crawling towards him in fast motion and no it wasn't sexy rather scary

Jungkook froze on his place not because of being scared but because he wanted to know that what u would really do.

He was a mafia king and no way he would get scared that easily. As u finally reached towards him u grabbed his both legs.

"I don't remember when I called for Bloody Mary or Baby Blue then why the hell are u acting like u got possessed by them"

Jungkook was trying to untangle ur hands which u wrapped around his legs tightly but he stopped on his movement when u started crying loudly.

Y/n:"ahahhhh why I got married to someone who doesn't even care for me."

JK:"and who told u that I don't care for u?"

Y/n:"u don't know how much my husband hates me he doesn't even smiles at me or doesn't even looks at with a bit affection all he look like is stone cold hard rock"

U sniffed and continued ur blabbering while Jungkook sat down beside u listening to all ur complains.

"And u know he even ignored me at our first meet he doesn't loves me. I had so many expectations on my future husband but he crushed them all. I had so many plans that I would do after our marriage but now none of them can happen ahahhhh"

U kept on crying like a crybaby u are while Jungkook was smiling on his own like an idiot. He found u cute, funny and adorable at the same time.

Suddenly u locked ur eyes with him and started leaning towards him. Your face was only an inch apart from each other while the smile of Jungkook's face never disappeared But his smile stopped replacing with a horror look when u....... puked......on both u and himself.

JK:"yahhhh JEON Y/N"

U fell on his arms again sleeping after making the man front u wide awake with widened eyes in disbelief.

But what can he even do except for cleaning it all cause there was no one except for u two and those guards and he obviously didn't wanted his guards to clean u up.

But what can he even do except for cleaning it all cause there was no one except for u two and those guards and he obviously didn't wanted his guards to clean u up

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He picked u up before taking u inside the bathroom then took of ur gown leaving u only in ur innerwear.

A tint of blush crept on his face seeing u like this and worst that he couldn't even look away since u were not in ur sense.


Gosh why does this feels so illegal like I am taking advantage of her but I am her husband right and..... but still aish JK focus its not time for those thoughts we need to be done this. The sooner the better.


He said and took of ur remaining clothes leaving u full naked then After gently placing u on the tub he stared at u this time being a little shocked.

JK:"gosh I can't believe that u are still sleeping even after being in the bath tub.

I need to keep an keen eye on u all the time otherwise anyone will take advantage of u just by giving a drink or something"

He said to himself and concentrated on giving u a full bath and made u wear his hoodie which reached above ur knee along with his boxers with reached ur mid thigh comfy.

then he himself got cleaned up and wore some fresh clothes and finally his body made contact with the bed. He laid on the left side cause 'u are always right'.

A loonngg sigh escape his lips as he looked at u who was again sleeping like dead just as before. By this time he wasn't shocked anymore he just stared at ur peaceful face suddenly ur naked image popped on his mind as he slapped his cheek.

Whereas u were now felling cold after getting a cold bath from ur hubby. Of course u were feeling good after all vomiting then getting a bath and wearing some comfy clothes but since the air conditioner was on and there was no blanket covering u you started searching for probably a blanket or something.

But instead ur hands fall on him and u squatted towards him in order to get warmth.

Jungkook chuckled looking at the little creature who was sticking to him like a koala. He totally forgot about all the chaos that u caused a few moments ago after feeling u in his arms.

He covered both of u with the blanket before turning off the lights and closed his eyes letting sleep overcome him as the night went by while the couple slept peacefully in each other's arms.




MR PERFECT'S BABY WIFE [ BTS JEON JUNGKOOK (JK) FF ] (Season 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu