Chapter 2

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Today Dave and I are going to the playground, I get dressed in a tee shirt, shorts, socks and sneakers. Dave flies beside me while we go to the playground. Dave likes flying, he flies around my head, Dave and I have fun at the playground. The other kids like Dave, they play with Dave, we play and have fun together, that is until Barry the bully turns up. Barry picks on the other kids, Dave doesn’t like that. Barry teases the girls, Dave doesn’t like that, Barry pushes a boy over, Dave is MAD, MAD, MAD. Dave flies over to Barry, and before Barry can be mean to him, Dave breaths fire at Barry, it hits Barry’s bottom and he runs home crying with his bottom on fire. The kids all laugh and laugh, Dave and I say goodbye to the other kids, and go home. When we get home mum asks us how our day was, Dave and I look at each other, we laugh and say it was great.

My Pet DragonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon