Chapter 5

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Today is my birthday, today I'm ten years old, my party is going to be at the park, my mum makes me my birthday pancakes, there, yum, yum, yum, Dave is excited too, mum made him his favourite foods too, and I'm sharing my birthday with Dave, after breakfast, my mum and dad give me my gift, I love it, it's what I've wanted for so long, it's a new bike, Dave got new toys as well. Later we go to the park, mum sets up, while dad, Dave and I, play on the playground, Dave and I are so happy, after a while my friends turn up, they give Dave and me nice presents, we play a few party games, we party food, then mum brings out the party cake, Dave lights the candles with his fire, then it's time to go home, we say goodbye and head home.

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