"Be serious, Alec. This is going to be our oasis."

"I am serious. We can paint the walls bright pink. It symbolizes burning, fiery passion," I wink.

"And I said it's a psychotic color."

"No, it ain't and you know it," I peck her cheek. "How about green?"

"Uh-uh, that'll remind me of vomit or mold," she sighs, sitting cross-legged on the empty hardwood floor. "Why is this so complicated?"

"I'm gonna get into trouble if I answer," I smile.

"Pssh," she lies down, staring at the white ceiling. "No, you won't."

"Yes, I will," I chuckle, opting to stay standing, towering over her as I look down at her.

"How about navy-blue and with that wall," she points behind me. "And that wall," she points behind her. "We can leave white or make it a lighter shade of blue. Kind of like an accent wall. What do you think?"

"How about we paint the entire room blue without any accent walls? Whatever that means."

"C'mon then," she jumps to her feet, her face gleaming with excitement. "The paint ain't going to buy itself."

"Would be nice," I admit.

That was one of the best days since my accident. Telana's enthusiasm to make this house our home was contagious.

She drove us to the shops with determination and asked for the paint like an expert. She added off white paint 'cause she wasn't sure about the accent wall. She never did add it. She left the two walls the white it was, but she didn't like it being the only white walls.

"It don't look right!" She huffs, placing her hands splattered with navy-blue paint on her hips, specks of blue paint dust across her face like freckles. "I thought it would look different," she frowns, gnawing her bottom lip.

"Good thing we can paint over it," I shrug like it's no big deal.

"What would I do without you?" She pecks my cheek with a genuine smile curling her lips.

She climbs the ladder and I bring her the paint and her paintbrush. She takes the small can, placing it on top of the ladder before she coats her paintbrush with navy-blue paint. A few drops fall onto the plastic protecting the wooden floor from paint splatter.

"And you thought we wouldn't need it," I tease, coating my roller. Painting is a challenge in itself, but painting while using a crutch is something else but I won't allow my girl to do all the grunt work alone.

"I wouldn't have messed if the plastic wasn't there," she retorts.

"Oh, really?" I run my paint roller along her backside, and she gasps.

"You didn't."

"But I did," I grin, rolling it on her arm.

"Alec, I swear," a daring smirk curls her perfect lips making me want to kiss her so badly. "If you do that one more time."

"You're gonna what?" I challenge, dipping my roller in more paint.

"Do it and find out," she raises a playful brow with challenge and dare glinting in her vibrant blue irises.

"I really." Shouldn't do this. "Want to know." Curiosity, you are an evil, evil lil thang.

I start by her exposed ankle, rolling paint all the way up her smooth leg, over her denim clad ass and up the middle of her back. I keep my gaze locked on hers, seeing a spark of amusement.

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