Georgie seemed to hesitate for a few seconds before speaking up, catching their captain's attention, much to the brunette's pleasure. "Sir, with all due respect, we're doing everything we can already."

"Then maybe I should just replace you two?" He said, and Jenna shook her head hastily.

"No, don't." She took a deep breath, "I- Our killer made a wrong move by killing this man in a hotel, there are much more security cameras, probably more potential witnesses too. I'm sure we'll find her soon."

He took a step closer to her at her words, making her gulp loudly, before pointing a finger at her, right above her chest. "I hope you're right Ortega. For your own sake, I really do."

Jenna shivered as his finger made contact with her bare skin before retreating, feeling bile rise in her throat. There was no word to describe how much she despised that man, and it seemed like her hatred for him only grew each day.

How much longer could she stand this? All of this?

Hell, Jenna hadn't even been working there for ten years yet, was she supposed to stay like that for her whole life?

She'd probably go mad.

Without saying another word, their captain spun around and left, leaving the two detectives speechless and confused as ever.

And as she looked at him disappear, Jenna couldn't help but wonder,

Who was truly the enemy?


The report on that man's dead caught Jenna by surprise.

She was sitting in front of her desk, staring at it as if it could give her the answer she was waiting for.

He had been drugged, like all of the other victims, but it wasn't what had killed him. He had been strangled, like both Jenna and Georgie presumed, and died from that before the drugged could have an actual effect, except maybe weakening him, making the job easier for her.

Why was he different, though?

Obviously, it had crossed Jenna's mind that the man Enid killed during their phone call wasn't the one they'd just found, but it took only a quick search to prove that theory wrong. The phone used by the woman was the victim's phone, she had probably taken it with her though, fortunately.

Jenna wouldn't know what she'd do if they found out that the last person this man had contacted on his phone was herself.

It didn't make sense to the brunette, at all.

That woman, Enid, was careful. She obviously liked to take risks, given that she kept on contacting Jenna, who was the detective working on her case, but it seemed like it was calculated. Jenna was pretty sure that she had studied her before doing all that.

It made her feel quite weird, not only in a bad way, which was probably worst.

Why would she take so many unnecessary risks by following that man in a hotel room, break the pattern by strangling him instead of just drugging, all that why calling Jenna?

Georgie was currently busy checking all of the CCTV footage from that night, which for once hadn't been off during the murder. Was that a mistake, or was it calculated too?

It drove Jenna crazy.

Surely enough, in no time, they'd have an idea of what that woman looked like, and the brunette wasn't sure how to feel about it.

Part of her felt like it was a trap.

Part of her felt like it was the mistake they had been waiting for her to do for so long, and that they'd finally be able to catch her.

My Thorns (Jenna Ortega X Emma Myers)Where stories live. Discover now