Chapter 23:

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(Errors ahead)

Hana's Pov:

Today, mommy and daddy would be picking me up from school a few hours early. They both took the day off so they could go to my doctors appointment.

They told me that I still had to go to school, but they would come and get me a little bit after lunch.

I couldn't wait for the appointment, but I was dreading what we would have to do afterwards.
For the appointment it would be like a normal doctors appointment.

We would also talk to the doctor about the possibilty of me being able to do dance.

The reason I was dreading after the appointment, is because we would have to go down to the hospital to do some labs, like blood work, and shots.

I hate needles so I always dreaded doing labs, but hopefully the results come back good.

I was in the last class before lunch, so I knew I would be picked up soon.

A lot of the kids were already done, so the teacher had told us we could have free time.

I wasn't fineshed, and I knew with the kids being loud in the front, and the fact that most of them weren't the nicest, i grabbed all my things and went towards the back to Kani and Akio.

I set my stuff down, and fell in the extra chair that was in between there desks.

Kaji gave a nervous smile towards me. "Hi Hana-san, are you done with your work too?" He asked as Akio turned towards me.
"Nope. I have to finish it soon too. Its just loud up there.." I said with a pout, turning to use the counter behind me for my work.

"Aunt Nene, and Uncle Amane are going to be picking you up soon for your doctors appointment right?" He asked as I nodded, getting a bit frustrated as I wasn't completing my work as fast as I would like.

"I dont want to go to it, but I do at the same time." I said as Kaji and Akio both stood up to help me with my work.

"I've never wanted to go to a doctors appointment. What's so special about this one?" Kaji asked confused.

"We get to talk to my doctor about the possibility of me joining dance. Remember I was telling you guys about it the other day in lunch?" I asked as we finally fineshed the work sheet.

"Oh yea!" Kaji said as we all walked up to the teachers desk to turn in our work.

"And then you have to go to the hospital to do labs right?"Akio asked as we walked back.

I rolled my eyes and nodded towards the taller boy.
"Yes.. Im not excited for that part. I hate needles." I said cringing, sitting back down in the seat, as they both went into theirs.

I had started to pack up and organize my bag, as we all chatted for a little bit.
Pretty soon though, we all heared the teachers desk phone ring.

The other kids went quiet for a moment before the eventually just started to talk again as the same went for me and the two boys.

The teacher soon hung up the phone and then quickly walked over to us.
"Hanako dear, your parents are down in the attendance office to pick you up for the day" she said bending down slightly with a small smile.

"Oki" i said grabbing my bag and jacket, and said a quick goodbye to Akio and Kaji, before following the teacher to the door and then walked down the hallway.

I eventually made it the the attendance office,a and I pushed opened the large heavy door.

I saw mommy and daddy signing a paper, and then turn towards me.
"Hi munchkin! Ready to go?" Daddy said as I grabbed mommy's hand, who happily took it and then lifted me up on to her hip.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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