Chapter 12:

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(Errors ahead)

Amane's Pov:

As I was talking to Nene, she was staring at the door as she listened, but soon ended up falling asleep.

She was still super tired. She has only been able to sleep a few hours since Hanako was born.

She had one hour, and then last night was broken up, and wasn't even that long. She must have gotten at least 4 hours of sleep total. 

I kissed her forehead, carefully sliding out of the bed, as she fell softly onto the pillows, as slightly wet blond curls fell over her shoulders, the ends resting on the bed.

I couldnt help but smile and admire how beautiful she was.
After that i heard the door open and the nurse walk in with Hanako.

I instantly took her from the nurse and into my own arms.
She smiled and left.

"Hi munchkin" i said to the awake babbling baby.
"Mommy's sleeping right now, so we get to spend some time together before i go home for a little bit." I said as she looked up at me.
She cooed as a response and i let out a quiet laugh.

I walked over to her bed and set her down in it so i could grab her diaper bag, so i could change her out of her onesie. She didnt seem to like being put down, and started to fuss. I went over to her quickly not wanting to wake up nene.

I picked her up and cradled her to my chest, as i picked out an outfit for her. It was gonna be big on her, but so were all the other outfits we got her.

We would have to go to a store and find some preemie clothes to see if we could find some that would fit her.

I changed her diper and her onsie and then grabbed her blanket before going over to the chair, and putting her on my chest with the blanket on top of her. I supported her as she gripped onto my shirt with her small hands and hiccuped.

I kissed her nose and sat there awake watching over now both my sleeping girls.

A few hours later:

Nenes Pov:

   I had slowly opened my eyes, feeling a lot less tired than what I was. I slowly sat up a lot more sore than i was before.

"Howd you sleep my love?" I heard amane ask in a whisper. I looked over to where he was, and he had a soft tired smile on his face, supporting the small baby on his chest snoring softly.

"Good.." I yawned rubbing my eyes. "Im really sore though."
He nodded "im sorry" he said with a slight frown.
"Why are you sorry? Its not your fault." I giggled.
"That's not entirely true..the reason your sore is cause you had a baby, and i put that baby in you sooo." He said with a smirk as i blushed.
"Fine. Then it is your fault. " i said with a small smile.

He chuckled, and the baby moved, and started to fuss, now awake.
"Oh shes probably hungry. Its been awhile since I've been able to feed her. " i said undoing my shirt as amane brought her over to me so i could feed her.

" when did they bring her back in?" I asked as I nursed her.
"A little bit after you dell asleep. I didnt want to wake you up" he said folding up her blanket.

I nodded "are you going to stop home quickly, now?" I asked.
He nodded "I want to do it now that way I wont be gone to long, and not be here when it gets dark." He answered as I nodded.

He grabbed his phone, car keys, and the blanket before coming over to give me a kiss,
"Be safe ok? Ill be back soon. I love you" he said giving me another quick kiss.
He then gave hanako a kiss on her forhead. "I love you to munchkin, be good for your mommy." He said before getting up and leaving, after saying another quick I love you.

I smiled before looking down at my little girl, as she had latched off, now probably full.
I adjusted her super carefully onto my other side, that way i could pull my shirt up a bit.

I then put her small little head into my hand, as i supported her body on my stomach and other hand.

She cooed happily, as she was full, warm, changed, and we'll rested.
"Your sutch a happy little girl" i said giving her a kiss on her little button nose.

I swept some of my baby hairs out of her face. She may have been super early, but she came out with a head full of soft hair.
"Your so beautiful my little look just like your daddy"

She squirmed stretching her small fragile body, letting out a tiny whine, and then a small sneeze.
I couldn't help but giggle at my little girl.
"Well bless you my love." She sniffled as she put her hands up to her face.
"Feeling ok?" I asked her, putting my hand up to her forhead.

Her forhead felt a bit warm so i went down to kiss it, and it still was warm.
"Your running a fever my little wonder" i said as she whined gripping onto my shirt.

I frowned "how about you get some sleep" I said covering her gently with my arm, as I used my other to stroke her head as she made cute little tired noises.

She was bobbing her head up and doen off my chest, but wasn't able to support it and just eventually fell asleep.

I kissed thr top of her head and smiled.
"Get some rest baby girl.." I said gently laying my head on hers, staying awake so i could watch over her.
"Me and your daddy are going to protect you my little wonder..I promise."
She cooed, a little sniffle following after, as I smiled.

A few moments later our nurse came in, and i wrapped my arms around Hanako.
"Im just here to give you your release forms. You guys can sign it now, but it would be better for you to wait tomorrow morning, since that's when we are officially aloud to let you guys go." She explained as i nodded. 

"Any questions or concerns? Cause I'm not gonna be in here anymore I don't believe, before you guys head out, because you guys are going to turn that in the the front desk." She said as i nodded.

"Hanako has a small fever..shes sneezing and had has a runny nose, and i didn't know if I should be concerned." I answered not caring to look at anything but my baby.

" there's nothing to really worry about. It should be gone by morning. If it gets worse let us know." She said as i nodded once more. 
"Any other worries?"
I shook my head and she nodded telling me to have a good night before leaving.

I was with Hanako for around fifteen minutes before we heard our door being opened. I wrapped my arms around my baby girl protectively, but Amane popped his head in.

"Just me! Sorry if I scared you guys." He said setting his car keys down, and bringing one of hanakos other blankets.

I sighed relieved and loosened my hold on her. "How did it go with Haku and Jodai?" I asked.

"Well when i got there and let them out of our room, they jumped all over me, sniffing me everywhere, so i made them calm down and sit. Then i showed them and let them sniff munchkins blanket, and they wagged there tails, and got really protective of it, so we're gonna have no problem with them." He explained as i smiled relived.

"That's good! It makes since though. They were super protective over me during my pregnancy. " I said as I handed Amane Hanako who he took with a smile putting the new blanket on her.

"Where did her blanket go?" I asked.
"They got a bit to existed and got slobber and drool all over it, so I had to throw it in the wash" he said looking over to me with dot eyes.

I giggled. "She has a small fever, but the nurse said she should be ok by morning. She also brought in our release forms. "
He nodded and cradled her.

He walked over and gave me a soft kiss, witch i couldn't help but melt into. 
"I didn't give you one when I came in, so I wanted to give you one. " I smiled and gave him a small peck.

I scooted over and had him sit next to me with our baby, so we could have a family snuggle sesh.
"I love you" I said leaning into him enjoying the warmth.
"I love you more."

1500: words

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