Chapter 10:

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(Errors ahead)

Amane's Pov:

Our baby girl was here..real and breathing in my arms.

Nene had soon fell asleep after we had wrapped her in her blanket, so I carefully took Hanako out of her arms.

The nurse came back in, to do measurements and weigh her, a little bit afterwars, so I went over with Hanako as they did so. She had woken up but still didnt fuss, as she lightly suckled on a pacifier.

She weighed 4.6  pounds.
So after a few days if everything was in check we would hopefully be able to leave.
Once they finished they handed me back Hanako, and sais we could put her in an outfit, so she wouldn't be as cold so I nodded and they left.

After I carefully put her in a onesie, that even though was a newborn size, was huge on her, she had fell back asleep instantly.

I smiled softly at her. Both my girls were both so exhausted so they needed the sleep.
I went over to the chair in the corner of the room and held my small baby to my chest.

I kissed her forehead just admiring how perfect and beautiful she was.
She had started to fuss probably hungry. I quickly popped the pacifier back into her mouth, witch seemed to calm her agian.

"Im sorry munchkin, but your mommy is sleeping right now. We will have to wait a bit so we can learn how to feed you" i said rocking her, as she sucked on the pacifier.

A little bit later Hanako had fallen back asleep and I was slowly starting to doze off, when I started to here her cry. I shot open my eyes and then heared things shuffel on the bed. I looked up and saw Nene awake and looking around worried not be able to see me or the baby, knowing she was in her arms before she fell asleep.

"Hey, its ok love, were over here.." I said trying to rock Hanako to calm her down.
She looked over and her face softened.

"She is i tried to calm her with the pacifier witch worked for a little while, but she woke up agian, and i dont know how to feed her..." I explained walking back over to her with Hanako.

"Oh uhh..i dont either.." She said looking down as she took Hanako in her arms.

"I can call a nurse in" I suggested, witch she nodded to, looking down at the now calmer baby.

I went outside and to the desk explaining the situation, at witch they said they would send our nurse in, and she would here in a few moments.
I nodded and rushed back to the room with my two girls.

I came into thr room, and saw that nene had layed the small baby on her chest

"I wanted to snuggle her a little bit.." She said shyly and i smiled. "Thats ok love, snuggle her all you want" she smiled and soon we heard a knock and then the nurse come in.

"So I heard baby was hungry?" She said coming over to us.
We both nodded, as Nene took the baby off of her chest and cradled her in her arms protectively.

The nurse had showed Nene how to properly feed Hanako, and do bottles and stuff like that, until eventually she had gotten the hang of it.

The nurse stayed to check on Nene to see how she was doing, before leaving.

Nene admired her baby as she fed her, and I smiled softly, feeling so much joy. This. This is ehat I have been waiting and have been to excited for, ever since Nene said yes to my confession.

I know Nene is happy as well. She has wanted kids ever since we were little. But I also know that Nene is upset, with how evreything turned out. This is not how we planned we would have our little girl.

Nene's Pov:

I snuggled close to my little girl. I was exshasted. It's veen about 5 hours since I gave birth, and I was only able to sleep for one.

I was super paranoid something was gonna happen to her, that i wasn't able to sleep. Her on the other hand had fallen asleep a lot.
She is going to be sleeping even more than a normal newborn, since her body is working twice as hard. She is still supposed to be connected to me for another 2 and a half months, there for her body is doing a lot of work.

I had finished feeding her, as she was cooing softly, my eye lids heavy.
Amane came over and sat in the chair next to the bed.

Hanako was dozing off once more in my arms and soon all you could hear was he breathing.
"My love..get some rest. You are clearly exhausted. You need some sleep" he said as i held Hanako closer to me, careful as I held her tiny body.

" not tired..i gotta stay awake" I said struggling to keep my eyes open.
He sighed with a small smile on his lips.
"My need to rest. The baby is going to be fine. Ill have her right here, in my arms, and in her bed." I said pulling over the glass bed they had for Her.

Nene looked over to me and sighed finally giving up.
"Fine.." She said giving me the baby. I took her carefully in my arms, before setting her down in her bed, with her blanket.
I then went over to nene and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and lips. 
She gave me a tired smile and kissed me back before slouching down into the bed tiredly.
"Stay the bed with me.." She said tiredly.
I nodded and got in with here carefully, moving Hanako's bed closer to us, as Nene laid on my chest and fell asleep.

I gently layed my head down on hers, and soon also fell asleep myself, with a small smile on my lips.

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