Chapter 6:

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(Errors ahead)

Nene's Pov:

Today I am 1 week into my second trimester. We were gonna go to the doctors and get an ultrasound done for the gender. We were gonna have them emailed to Aoi, that way we wouldn't know until we do our gender reveal party.

We were just gonna celebrate and not tell anyone until the baby was born, but she convinced us otherwise. She said that since we threw her one that she wanted to throw one for us.

"Alright my love, are you ready?" Amane asked me as we pulled into the parking lot of the doctors office.

I nodded smiling hoping out of the car and practically pulling Amane's arm into the office, like a child pulling there parent into a amusement park.

He laughed as we finally got inside. We checked in, and sat down waiting for our nurse.
I couldnt contain the giggles coming from my mouth as Amane was smiling.

"Nene yugi?" The nurse asked.
I looked up and saw our nurse and smiled.

We both got up and followed the nurse into our room.
"Alright were finding out gender today right?" She asked putting on some rubber gloves.

"Mhm!!" I said happily.
"Alright, well lets get started, lay down for me please" she asked getting the gel and stuff out.

I nodded and layed down, lifting my shirt up to just under my chest.
She put the gold gel on my lower stomach and rolled the wand around my tiny little bump.

A few weeks ago I had started to slightly show and we were super happy.

"Alright baby is in a perfect spot.." She said concentrated on the screen as she moved the wand slightly before stopping and keeping it there,  before taking a picture on the screen.

Amane was holding my hand, but never took his eyes off the screen. I looked at his face and couldn't help but smile at his joy.

"Ok..and ultrasound is over! Now there is some things I will need to talk to you about before you leave, but are you interested in knowing the gender?" 

Me and Amane shook our heads.
"No thank you, were gonna have it sent to our friend. " i said wiping my small bump with a towel, while smiling.

"Alright! We can arrange that. We are just going to need there number, but we can worry about that in a moment. For right now we have to talk about the baby. " she said in a serious tone.

My smile soon faded away and I looked worried.
I looked at amane and he squeezed my hand, who was also looking worried.

"Are they ok..?" Amane asked as I went to sit in the chair close to him.
"Oh yes, they are ok. There perfectly fine, they are still measuring small though. So since they are messuring on the smaller side, its a smaller risk that you wont be able to carry full term. If anything you may carry a bit longer, since they are smaller. "
She explained.

I nodded relived.
"Thats good" I said shakily.

"But they will still be small, and there is still a small chance you wont carry. So you will have to take some precautions."

We nodded "ok, what are they..?" I asked.

"Well... Dont overwork yourself. It could cause things to go wrong and it could cause you to into premature labour, dont carry heavy things"
She explained evreything to either not do or be careful with.

We nodded as we had calmed down.
"Alright, well that is basiclly they end of the appointment. You guys are free to go! Just need to check out like normally and give them your friends number." She said before heading out to leave.

We nodded and I got up and straightend out my skirt.

"Ready love?" Amane asked, as I nodded my head tired.
"Im ready to go home, baby is making me feel sick agian.."" I said rubbing my small bump.
He laughed softly and took my hand, and we left to go to the front cpunter. We gave them Aois number and they said they would send the pictures and information to her.

We fineshed checking out and left to fo to the car.
I went into the drovers side, wanting to drive, to focus on anything other than my sickness. Amane was confused. "I can drive love, you dont ussally like driving. " he said as I nodded. That was true for the most part.

"Yea but I want to do it so I dont have to focus on my morning sickness, and cause it to get worse, it may help it, i dont know" i shrugged starting the car.

"Alright then. If you wanna switch just pull over and let me know. " he said hoping into the passenger seat.  as i whispered a small 'ok'.

I started the car, and turned on the heater since it was a bit chilly, and headed for home. I was gonna probablly gonna get my hair down, since it was super tight, and was causing me to have a headache.

It was a bit easier to drive, and it cause me to feel a bit better, and soon we got home. I pulled the key out of the engine and climbed out of there car, along with Amane close behind. 

I walked up to the house and put the code into the door so it would unlock, and walked into the house, with Amane close behind me, as we took our shoes off.

I yawned tiredly.
"I'll be right back, I gotta take my hair out." I said giving Amane a quick but sweet kiss that left me slightly blushing, as I walked up the staires.

I took my hair out and brushed through it, deciding to leave it down without anything, not even my ussale clips.

I then went down stairs and saw that the dogs were asleep on the ground as Amane was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. His arms was on the top of the couch so I crawled onto the couch and onto his side carefully. He looked over and smiled, wrapping that arm around me.

I smiled as he kissed my forehead, and then rubbed it softly. It felt nice and soon i ended up falling asleep, watching whatever it was that Amane was looking at on his phone.

1070 words: 

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