Bad Day?

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Soda's POV:

"Steve let's go," I said smiling at Y/n. "Bye Cookie, we love you." I said with a smirk on my face. Man, I love messing with her.

"Yeah, yeah, I love you guys too," She said while rolling her eyes. She's been my best friend since forever. She was basically my sister.

Me, Steve, and Darry all walked out the door for work, Darry getting in his truck.

"Bye Soda, Steve. Have a good day at work," Darry said to us.

We nodded and he drove off. The DX wasn't a horrible walk and it was nice out. When we got there, Sandy was standing there.

"SANDY!" I screamed and ran up to her, picked her up while spinning her. She looked upset. "What's wrong, baby?

"Don't call me that," she snapped. "Soda we need to talk," she said and looked at Steve. "Alone," she exclaims while grabbing my wrist and pulling me inside.

"Ok, what's wrong? Why are you acting weird?" I was so confused.

"Soda, I'm pregnant."

"Oh my, baby that's wonderful!" I picked her up and spun her again. "I know I'm not the richest but I can make it work by picking up another shift or getting another job somewhere. I can't wait to raise our-" That's when the realization hit me. The baby isn't mine.

"The baby isn't yours Soda! Now put me down! God! Why do you have to be so happy all the time?! Honestly I can't believe you!" she yelled at me.

I couldn't believe it. She cheated on me. "You CHEATED on me?! How could you Sandy?! After everything we've been through! Everything I've done for you! How could you?!"

She slapped me. It hurt like a bitch but I couldn't show it now. "You never pay attention to me anymore Soda!" she screamed right back. "You're always working, and when you're not, you're too tired to hang out! So excuse me for wanting someone to take care of me and my needs! "

The pain was too much to bare. First my parents, now Sandy. Who's next? Y/n? Steve? Darry? Pony?

"I'm leaving for Florida, Soda. Goodbye."

"What was that all about?" Steve asked as he walked in.

"She's pregnant. It's not mine," I whispered barely audible, but Steve still managed to hear it.

"Oh man, I'm sorry."


Y/n's POV:

"Hey b/f/n!" I smiled as I ran over to hug him.

"Hey darling how are you?" He asked as he planted a small kiss on my lips.

"Honestly you two need to get a room," Pony said while rolling his eyes. I smile a bit at the remark.

"Oh." B/f/n started, "About getting a room. Y/n, meet me here after school ok? There's something I need to tell you."

I giggled at the thought of what it could be. "Will do."

We walked into school and started our day.

Six hours later...

I was walking with Pony out of school. We were talking about a book he just finished reading.

"Y/N!" B/f/n shouted from across the yard.

"B/f/n! I'll see you later Pony!" I said as I ran up to him. "So what did you want to tell me?" I asked with eager in my voice. I may or may not have been daydreaming about this moment for the entire day.

"Look, something happened."

My face fell. "What? What do you mean something happened?"

"Look I was just poking fun with Sandy the other night and we were both super drunk. Well, we ended up having some fun and I got her pregnant."

I could feel my heart shatter. The only thing I could think of in that moment was Soda. He just lost his parents. Now he's losing Sandy too?


"Look, baby, it meant nothing. I'm sorry."

"No it didn't mean nothing. If it meant nothing, you wouldn't of gotten her pregnant!"

"Hey, look. You can't do that to me! I said I was sorry. We were drunk!"

Then, I did something I never thought I would've done. I slapped him across his face. Now, I've been one to get into a good fight, but I never would've hurt someone I loved on purpose. But I don't love him anymore. So it's ok.

Soda. I have to get to the DX. Oh poor Soda.

"STEVE!" I shouted as I ran into the DX with tears in my eyes. "Where's Soda?!" I managed to get in between my sobs.

"I think he's in the break room? Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Everything," I mumbled as I ran to the break room. I busted open the door and there was Soda sitting on the ground with his face in his hands.


Hey guys! I know this ends on a bit of a cliff hanger, but I'll post tomorrow so you know what happens! Have a wonderful day!!!

The Perfect Us ||A Sodapop Curtis x Reader Story||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon