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It had been about a few hours as Paladin Butters and Princess Kenny were still hanging out together, unknowing that it was quickly getting dark. The Paladin decided to check outside, his eyes going wide as he saw that it was about to get dark. "Oh, hamburgers! We gotta get back home, Kenny!" Butters said. The Princess stood up, her and the Paladin quickly going out from the pink curtain. "Geez, where is everyone?" Butters asked himself, seeing that his teammates and even Cartman wasn't here. "Hm, oh well, let's just get home quick!" Butters exclaimed, him and Princess Kenny running down the sidewalk. "I hope we get there fast! I-I don't wanna be grounded for not going to bed on time!" The Paladin said, the Princess nodding in response as they continued running. As they kept going, they hurdled to a stop, them both looking upwards a bit to see who it was. Butters' eyes went very wide this time, not believing who was standing right in front of him. "What do you think you're doing, mister!" Butters' father asked in an angry state. "W-Well dad, I-I...I-I was j-just...c-coming home I-I-" "No excuses, Butters! You weren't in bed during your bedtime, so you're GROUNDED!" Butters' father then grabbed Butters by the collar of his shirt as he pulled him away backwards, where his face was towards Kenny's. "I-I'll see ya tomorrow, Kenny!" Butters shouted, slowly going away as he pleaded for his father to put him down. Still, Kenny hated seeing Butters getting treated like this. He needed to do something, he needed to think fast.


"Get changed right now and go to bed! You're grounded for the next few days, so don't even think about leaving your room!" Butters' father said, slamming Butters' bedroom door shut. "Aw man...I knew I'd be grounded again..." Butters said sadly, getting changed into his cute pajamas. He then onto his bed, getting in the covers as he snuggled up against his blanket as he tried to not cry. Soon, he failed...crying as he then cried in his sleep, tears slowly going down his cheeks as he slept. Suddenly, someone was entering his bedroom window. It was Mysterion, going into Butters' bedroom as he came near the small child. He picked the innocent boy up carefully, making sure not to wake him up. But, looking down at Butters, he noticed tear marks on his cheeks, quickly another tear coming from his closed eye going downward. '...He must be crying in his sleep...' Mysterion thought, heartbroken. Then, he swiftly made out of the window, landing in the town's streets as he ran off, Butters' still in his clutch. Once arriving at a familiar, old run-down house, Mysterion broke inside. He quickly, but quietly carried Butters to his bedroom, carefully placing him on his bed as he went away, letting Butters sleep peacefully.


About an hour passed as Butters suddenly shot upwards. He screamed as he breathed heavily. Kenny heard this, quickly coming near Butters. "W-Where am I?! I-Is my dad h-here?!" Butters asked in a panicked state, his eyes filling up with tears. Kenny assured Butters that everything was okay and he was here for him, rubbing his back gently as a response. "O-Oh, i-it's just you, Kenny! Sorry I screamed...I-I had no idea where I was!" Butters explained, wiping some of the water from his eyes. Kenny questioned why he was about to cry. "...I-I had a...u-uh...bad dream...i-it was about my...d-dad..." Butters shivered as he thought about it, about to cry again. Kenny felt so much guilt for him that he hugged Butters tightly, Butters hugging back as he buried his face into Kenny's shoulder. Kenny, suddenly, pulled back from the hug, pulling down some of his orange parka's hood as he gave Butters a small kiss on his forehead. This made Butters stiff a bit, but now very calm than before. Kenny then stopped, pulling some of his parka's hood back up to cover his mouth. "...Whoa...I thought only Princess Kenny could do that!" Butters exclaimed as he laughed a bit. Kenny laughed along with him, placing his arm around Butters' shoulder. 

"H-Hey uh, Kenny? C-Can we uh...snuggle?" Butters asked, a bit embarrassed to say that. Then, Kenny laid back on his bed, taking Butters in his grasp as Butters nuzzled his face deeply on Kenny's chest. Kenny touched Butters' pokey, pale yellow hair, feeling how soft it was even though he had his brown gloves on like always. Kenny was glad that Butters felt calm and relaxed now, but he wanted to do something that could make the experience for Butters even better. Without warning, Kenny used both of his gloved hands to tickle Butters on his stomach. Butters giggled a lot, feeling the funny sensation. "K-Kenny! Kenny stop! That tickles!" Butters kept giggling from Kenny's tickling, making Kenny smile brightly underneath his parka hood. Seeing that Butters was getting pretty exhausted from all the laughing he was doing, Kenny finally stopped. Butters breathed in an out, trying to catch his breath. Afterwards, he then hugged Kenny tightly once more, burying his head even deeper into Kenny's chest. Kenny giggled in response, taking his dirty, hole-filled blanket as he placed it on Butters. "Geez, Kenny, I sure wish I could stay with ya forever! I can't though, 'cause if I do I'll be...grounded..." Butters feared that word so much to the point that every time he hears it he thinks of his father. Kenny comforted Butters, assuring him once more that everything would be alright. "I love ya, Kenny!" Butters exclaimed, closing his eyes. "Mfph mrph mph, mmrph," (Translation: "I love you too, Butters,"), Kenny said, placing a small kiss on Butters' head as they both fell asleep together.



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