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Butters and Kenny were out of the school, walking down the sidewalk as Kenny still held Butters' hand sort of tightly. Suddenly, familiar voices were heard from far away. Kenny and Butters stopped, turning backwards to see Stan and Kyle running up to them. "Cartman is now so pissed at you for punching him that he said to meet him outside his house for some sort of, uh, fight or something?" Kyle guessed, looking at Stan. "Yeah, Cartman wants you to fight him. But I bet you can beat that fatass up in no time!" Stan said, him and Kyle laughing a bit. Kenny nodded in response. "W-Wait, y-you're gonna fight him Kenny?!" Butters asked in shock. Kenny looked back at Butters, nodding once more. "B-But I don't want ya to get hurt!" Butters said, now his shock slowly turning into worry. "Mph mrph mfph...mfph mrph," (Translation: "It's alright Butters...I got this,"), Kenny said. "O-Oh, well ok then," Butters said, rubbing his knuckles together. "I think Cartman said to fight him during night, not sure why though," Stan shrugged. Kenny nodded, taking Butters' hand again as they walked away. "I hope Kenny wins the fight," Kyle said. "Of course he will, Kyle. Cartman could never, ever stand up to Kenny," Stan replied. Then, him and Kyle went the other way to their own houses. Once Kenny and Butters were near Butters' house, Butters quickly hid behind Kenny. "Mhm?" Kenny questioned. "I-I don't wanna go b-back, Kenny!" Butters said in a now scared state. Kenny knew Butters had to go home, but he wanted to keep Butters safe from his parents' harm. Kenny then faced Butters as he grabbed his shoulder calmly. "Mfph, mrph mfph mph mmrph. Mfph mrph mph mmrph," (Translation: "Butters, everything is alright. You can stay at my house tonight,"), Kenny said.

Then, Butters hugged Kenny, having his cute smile on his face. "Thank you, Kenny!" Butters exclaimed. Kenny smiled underneath his parka, the hug now stopping as they both made their way to Kenny's house. Once there, Kenny opened the door slowly. He then walked in as Butters came along in too, Kenny shutting the door. Then, both of them went into Kenny's room, Butters happily sitting on Kenny's bed. Kenny went over to get something from his bedroom's drawer. "Watcha got there, Kenny?" Butters asked. Kenny then went over to Butters as he sat down on the bed. He gave Butters what he had in his hands. It was some sort of note that...Mysterion left. "Mfph mrph mhp mfph mmrph," (Translation: "Mysterion wanted me to give that to you,"), Kenny said. Butters looked at the note and for what it said:


I will appear tonight once again to be with you. But, I been wanting to tell you this for a while, and I know I can do it now. I will tell you when I appear once again.

- Mysterion.

"Neato! I bet he's gonna tell me something cool!" Butters exclaimed. Kenny nodded slowly, kind of regretting what he'd just done. In fact, he wasn't ready at all to tell Butters the truth. He just wanted to make Butters excited. "Is everything alright, Kenny?" Butters took notice of Kenny's slow nod. "Mhm!" Kenny perked up at Butters, smiling underneath his parka. Butters cutely smiled back. They talked for a while afterwards, but as soon as it was light, it quickly became somewhat dark. "Look, Kenny! Nighttime sure did come here fast!" Butters exclaimed, looking out the window. Kenny looked out the window as well, now thinking in his head of what he had to do. Kenny got off the bed as he headed out of his bedroom. "Wait! Kenny, where ya going?" Butters asked. Kenny replied by pointing to the front door, which where he was going to now. Butters followed, but was quickly stopped by Kenny, as he pointed back to his bedroom. "B-But, I-I wanna be with ya, Kenny!" Butters said. Kenny didn't want to do this, but he had to for Butters' safety. He grabbed Butters and sort gently forced him into his bedroom, placing him on his bed and Kenny walked out, shutting the bedroom door. "Kenny! Kenny I wanna come with ya! Please! Please, Kenny!" Butters exclaimed. Kenny ignored Butters, heading out the front door.


Once Kenny was out side in the dark, cold snowy night, he ran to Cartman's house, which didn't take him long to get to. Once he came near, he stood out there in the freezing cold, waiting for Cartman to come out. But, suddenly, a large shadow appeared in front of Kenny. "So, you made it here, Kinny?" the voice asked, Kenny quickly realizing it was definitely Cartman. Kenny furrowed his brows downward with anger, putting up his fists that were covered by his brown gloves. "Damn, you really wanna fight, don't you Kinny?" Cartman then slowly took off his red winter jacket, it falling onto the mushy, white snow. Without his jacket on, Cartman showed his white, short-sleeved shirt he had on. He then slowly put up his big fists staring deeply at Kenny as Kenny did the same. "LET'S FUCKING GO, KINNY!" Cartman then charged at Kenny, of course, Kenny dodging the attack. Kenny then swiftly went away, Cartman not knowing where he went. "KINNY?! KINNY WHERE DID YOU GO YOU FUCKING POOR PUSSY!" Cartman shouted. 

But then,  someone was running towards Cartman as he saw who it was. "Kenny! Kenny I'm here!" Butters shouted looking for Kenny. Cartman then ran over to Butters as he grabbed his jacket's collar. "WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING POOR BOYFRIEND AT, BUTTERS?!" Cartman yelled right near Butters' face. Butters was scared to death, seeing how enraged Cartman was. "I-I-I d-don't know!" Butters said, tears forming out of his eyes. As Cartman was about to yell at Butters again, a big 'thump' sound was heard near him. Cartman turned back, shocked to see who it was. That being...Mysterion. Mysterion then ran at Cartman as he punched him on the same spot he got hit by at school. Cartman fell hard on the ground, grunting as he tried to get up. Mysterion quickly saw Butters, crying and scared. He then grabbed Butters, holding him carefully as they both went into the snowy night, leaving Cartman alone and weak.



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