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That same night, Butters hopes became true. Around midnight, Mysterion appeared at Butters' window sill. He thought that Butters was awake, but it seemed that he accidentally fell asleep. "...Butters..." Mysterion quietly said aloud. Butters wasn't in much of a deep sleep, so he woke up, rubbing his eyes then seeing the mysterious figure appear once again. "Oh! You're here!" Butters exclaimed. "Shh...your parents might hear you..." Mysterion said. "O-Oh, sorry," Butters said, more quietly now. "...I saw that you were with a kid in your room..." Mysterion said. "You mean my friend Kenny?" Butters asked. "...He was wearing a...orange parka..." Mysterion said. "Then that's my friend who you saw! He's really nice! Geez, I wish he could see ya, but he always has to go home when you come here," Butters said. "...He seems like a really nice friend..." Mysterion replied. "He sure is! He makes me feel so happy inside when I see him and when he's with me. He also kind of reminds me of you a little bit!" Butters exclaimed, giving his cute smile. Mysterion tried so, so hard not to blush of hearing what Butters said and seeing his cute act. 'Don't do it, Kenny, don't do it,' Mysterion thought to himself. "U-Uh...y-yeah...possibly..." Mysterion spoke out. "Hm...s-so uh, how do know who I am?" Butters asked. 

"...Because I watch you Butters...I know what you're like...what your home life is...I know more then you can think of..." Mysterion said. This sort of made Butters a bit uncomfortable, but he knew that Mysterion would never do anything harmful to him.  "...I also know where you are all the time...I even come here at night to watch you sleep so you know you're protected...I protect you in many ways, Butters..." Mysterion said. This made Butters somewhat glad, knowing that there was someone who would do something like that. "Does that mean you can protect me from my...p-parents?" Butters asked. "...Yes...even from them...I will protect you from any thing and anyone...you are safe..." Mysterion assured. Butters smiled a bit at him as Mysterion's stayed the same, serious and focused. "...I must go, Butters...but remember, I will always be here for you..." Mysterion said. "Ok!" Butters exclaimed. "...Also, tomorrow you will have to return to The Coon's Holding Cell..." Mysterion said. "Aw man.." Butters said, looking down. Mysterion saw him all let down, when he thought of something. "...I'll have a talk with The Coon tomorrow...maybe you will have freedom again..." Mysterion said. "B-But I though yall hated me for being Professor Chaos," Butters said. But, Mysterion didn't reply, swiftly leaving Butters' window sill, going out into the night.


The next school day, Butters talked with Kenny about Mysterion for what seemed like forever, saying things on how amazing he is and how happy he's made him feel. This made Kenny extremally happy for Butters. He was Mysterion, of course, but he knew someday he would need to tell Butters the truth, but he didn't feel confident enough. "Today was fun! Kinda wish school lasted longer today, though.." Butters said. "Hm?" Kenny questioned, grabbing his own backpack. "Because yesterday last night, Mysterion said I needed to go back to the Holding Cell...I-I don't wanna go back there..." Butters said, rubbing his knuckles together in a nervous state. Kenny placed a hand on his shoulder. "Mrph mfph mfph mrph mmrph," (Translation: "He'll take care of it, Butters,"), Kenny assured. "A-Are you sure?" Butters asked. Kenny nodded. Him and Butters walked out of the school, going onto the sidewalk. "I hope Mysterion helps like he said he would," Butters said. 

Kenny nodded in response as him and Butters continued to walk as they made it to Butters house. Butters was about to go inside as he turned to look at Kenny. "Bye bye, Kenny! See ya at-" "BUTTERS! WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK UP YOUR TOYS IN YOUR ROOM THIS MORNING?!" Butters' father interrupted him in an angry state. "I-I'm sorry dad! I-I'll pick them right now!" Butters quickly went inside the house, going up to his room. "YOU BETTER OR ELSE YOU'RE GROUNDED!" Butters' father shouted once more and he slammed the front door. Kenny sighed as he saw that happened...he couldn't believe it. 'His parents are worse then I thought..' Kenny said in his mind, going to his own house.


When night had fallen, Butters went to his bedroom's closet, grabbing what he had to wear. "Tonight, the town will see me as Professor Chaos! Mwahahaha!" Butters said, now referring himself as Professor Chaos for now, putting on his silver foiled helmet. Professor Chaos secretly left his house as he rushed to Cartman's house, which was right next to his very own home. Once there, he knocked on the door, only to be greeted by Cartman's mother. "Oh, hello, you must be one of Eric's little friends," she said. "Yep, I sure am!" Professor Chaos exclaimed. "Well, come on in. Eric is down in the basement playing with his other friends," Cartman's mother said. Professor Chaos came inside as he went to the basement door. He opened it up, carefully going down the stairs as The Coon himself saw Professor Chaos with his own eyes. "He's here! Put him in the Holding Cell, quickly!" The Coon ordered. 

Human Kite and Mosquito grabbed him off the stairs as he tried to get out of their grip. "Please, fellas! I-I don't wanna be in the Holding Cell!" Professor Chaos said. "Sorry, but you're the bad guy, and we don't want you getting away," The Coon replied. Human Kite and Mosquito placed him in the Holding Cell as they closed it up, Professor Chaos now being behind bars. "Please, fellas! Let me outta here!" Professor Chaos pleaded. "Shut up, Professor Chaos! You're staying in there," The Coon said. But, before all hope was lost for the wholesome villain of chaos, another group of heroes came down the basement stairs.



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