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Mysterion, once there, jumped on Butters' house window sill. He went into Butters' bedroom, carefully placing Butters on his bed. "Thanks for saving me, Mysterion! Mean ol' Cartman would've hurt me!" Butters exclaimed. Mysterion went over to Butters, sitting next to him. "S-So uh, what do ya wanna tell me?" Butters asked. Mysterion questioned. "My friend Kenny gave me a letter that you told him to give me. So, what ya wanna tell me?" Butters asked with a his cute smile. Mysterion forgot about this, knowing that he wasn't really ready to tell Butters yet. So, he had to tell him something else. "...Uh...to tell you that...you're...uh...a very amazing kid..." Mysterion said. "Really? You think I am?" Butters asked. Mysterion nodded as Butters' face gleamed with joy. Mysterion wanted to smile, but he had to stay in character. "Geez, I really, really wish Kenny could see ya. I bet he'd think you're the coolest hero ever!" Buttes said. "...Well, I do know...one thing..." Mysterion said. "Huh? What?" Butters asked. "...I was able to watch your friend Kenny...through his bedroom window...I saw him talking in his sleep a bit...saying how much he...loves you..." Mysterion said. Butters asked went wide, him now being extremally happy. "Wow! He was probably dreaming about me!" Butters blushed a bit, his cute smile adding in. Mysterion looked at Butters, trying so hard to keep in character. "Y'know, I sorta dream about Kenny too sometimes!" Butters blushed even more, this making Mysterion perk up a little. 

"...Tell me..." Mysterion said. "Ok, but please don't tell Kenny! I-I don't want him to know right now," Butters said. Mysterion nodded in response. "W-Well, I mostly have these dreams about me and Kenny being together! Like, uh...um...oh! I had this one dream where me and Kenny went to get ice cream, and we had a fun time! I got vanilla and Kenny got chocolate, it was yummy!" Butters explained in his joyful tone. Mysterion felt like he couldn't hold in his act any longer. The adorableness and cuteness of this innocent child was getting to him way to easily. "...I-I uh...I-I have to go..." Mysterion said, quickly leaving Butters' bedroom, fleeing out the window. Butters was confused, but just thought that he had to more hero work. So, Butters got into his pajamas and then laid in his bed, slowly drifting off to sleep. Even though Butters thought that Mysterion was gone, he wasn't. Mysterion peered through Butters' bedroom window once again, seeing that he was asleep. "...Thank god...I didn't get out of character...I would've been screwed..." Mysterion said, sighing in relief. He then took one last glance at Butters, before now fully jumping off the window sill and going into the night.


The next day came along as Butters headed down to the school. He was about to go in, until he noticed that the entrance was closed. He then walked over to the doors, trying to get in. "Hey! The school is closed for a few days!" a voice called out. This startled Butters, him quickly turning around, seeing it was one of the school staff. "Huh? Why?" Butters asked. "A fire happened in Workshop Class, so the school needs some quick repairing before it opens again," the staff member explained. "Oh, well thanks for telling me!" Butters exclaimed, walking away. As he did, he then saw Kenny with his friends walk up near him. "The school is closed, fellas!" Butters said. "What? How come?" Kyle asked. "One of the school people told me that a fire was here!" Butters said. "Damn, which part?" Stan asked. "Uh, I think it was Workshop Class," Butters recalled. "How long are we out of school?" Kyle asked. "A few days, I think," Butters guessed. "FUCK YEAH! FINALLY A BREAK FROM FUCKING SKEWL!" Cartman exclaimed. "So...what do we do now?" Stan asked. "Maybe we can do superheroes again?" Kyle suggested. "No, Kahl! We gotta do something different besides superheroes!" Cartman said. "Ok, then what do you have, fatass?" Kyle asked with annoyance. "I was thinking that we could our fantasy one, "Cartman replied. "Wait, you're talking about the one we did where we had PS4 versus Xbox?" Kyle asked. "Yes, but we aren't doing that this time. Just a simple, fantasy RPG," Cartman said. Everyone agreed on it as they nodded and talked. "Alright, let's go to my house," Cartman ordered, his friends following him.

Once there, they all entered Cartman's house and went upstairs to Cartman's room. As everyone came in, Cartman opened up his closet, bringing out a huge, carboard box. "Everyone get their costume," Cartman said, opening up the box. "Wait, I thought we kept our costumes at our houses," Kyle said. "No they aren't, Kahl! They're right here!" Cartman said. Kyle wondered how he was able to steal his and his friends' costumes still, but he didn't care to ask. Everyone went over to the box to get their costumes. Once they did, they each took turns using the bathroom to change into. "Go in my backyard when you're ready!" Cartman said, already somehow in his wizard costume. "Hey, have you've seen my helmet? I've looked in the box and it's not there," Stan said. Cartman looked in the box, seeing Stan was right. Then, Cartman looked in his closet, seeing it was hidden behind his AWSOM-O costume. He gave it to Stan, which he placed on his head. Stan then went out of Cartman's room as Butters came running in. "I'm trying to find Kenny, have you seen him?" Butters asked. "Uh, I think he might be outside. Also, quick question," Cartman said. Butters stood there. "Did you and Kinny make out yet?" Cartman asked. "U-Uh, no?" Butters didn't understand what he meant. "Well, I think you should. You must ask him, I wanna see what he says," Cartman said, laughing a little. Butters nodded slowly as he went out of Cartman's room, thinking of what Cartman said as he tried to find Kenny.



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