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Around when school ended, Butters rushed out of the school as quickly as he could. He ran on the sidewalk, heavy breathing coming from him. Once slowing down, he realized that he was inches away from his very own home. "Oh geez...I-I don't really wanna go in there...b-but I guess I have to..." Butters became nervous and worried again. He knocked on the front door as his father quickly opened it. "Oh, Butters, came back from school I see," his father said. "Uh, y-yeah.." Butters replied in a low state. He walked in the house as his father closed the front door. "So, did you get a good grade on your homework Butters?" his father asked. Butters didn't want to tell the truth, but he knew it was bad to lie. But, this time...he didn't want to tell the truth. He quickly thought of something in his mind. 

"U-uh...u-um...c-can I go to my room first to put my stuff away?" Butters asked. "Alright, go ahead, but you better hurry up!" his father ordered. "Y-Yes sir!" Butters rushed upstairs and went to his bedroom. He sat down his stuff as he grabbed his homework. "Alright Butters, you gotta think of a plan!" he said to himself. He then looked around his room to find a writing utensil. As he searched, he grabbed nearby black pen he found and tried his best to scribble out the 'X' marks and make them into '✓' marks. Once he was done, he looked at what he did. It wasn't the best looking, but at least he sort of fixed the mistakes.

He then ran out of his room and quickly went downstairs. "Dad! Dad! Here! I have my homework for ya!" Butters exclaimed, going to his father and holding out the piece of paper. "Hm, alright, let's see here," his father took the paper out of his son's hands. He looked at it carefully, but then soon noticing that about almost the whole entire paper was scribbled in pen and the wrong answers were changed to correct. "Butters, why is your homework all scribbled up?" his father asked. Butters began to get nervous and worrisome. "Uh...u-um...t-the teacher accidentally put that they w-were wrong, b-buy they're not!" Butters explained. "Hmm...well, I think you're lying to me, Butters!" his father said as he pointed towards his son. "N-No! N-No dad! I-I'm being h-honest!" Butters said, now sweating from all his nervousness gathering inside him. 

"Hm, really? Well, why does the teacher scribble out the answers instead of neatly correcting them then?" his father said, getting near Butters. "I-I...H-He u-uh..." Butters had no words. He was done for. "Hm, that's what I thought. Butters, you're grounded!" his dad said, pointing upstairs to signal what he had to do. "...Aw man..." Butters said under his breath, looking down as he went upstairs. Now at his bedroom, he walked in as he closed the door. He stood there for a moment, then rushing to his bed as he then flopped on top of his, his face buried in his blanket.


Kenny was still walking down the sidewalk, since his house is more further away from the school than other homes. But, as he kept walking, he saw what appeared to be Butters' house. He didn't have to go home right away, so he went up to the house. He knocked on the door, soon the door opened as Butters' father stood in the doorway. "Oh, you must be Butters' homework buddy," his father said, inspecting the orange parka kid. "Mfph mph mrph mfph mrph? Mmrph?" (Translation: "Can I please see Butters? Please?"), Kenny pleaded. "Sorry, but Butters is grounded. He lied to me about getting a good grade on his paper," Butters' father explained. But then, he had a second thought. "Well actually, I think you can see Butters right now. You can talk some sense into him, since you are his homework buddy,". 

Kenny then walked into the house as he quickly went upstairs to Butters' room. Once there, he knocked on the door softly. "...C-Come i-in..." Butters muffled as his face was still buried in his blanket. Kenny slowly opened up the door, went in the bedroom, then closed it behind him. Afterwards, he then saw Butters on his very own bed, his face deep in his blanket. Kenny walked over to him and sat on the bed near Butters. As Butters felt something get on his bed, he lifted his head up slowly, seeing Kenny looking at him.

But, Kenny noticed something. Butters was...crying. Kenny's heart broke as he saw the most innocent kid he'd ever seen and met was crying. "K-Kenny?...I-Is that r-really y-you?..." Butters asked, lifting himself upward as he rubbed his wet eyes. "Mhm" Kenny nodded. "O-Oh...w-well I'm g-glad you're here w-with me," Butters said, scooting over to Kenny. "I-I'm surprised that my dad let you in...usually he doesn't let any of my friends when I'm grounded," Butters explained. Kenny could see Butters start to tear up again. "I-I didn't mean to upset my d-dad...I-I just w-wanted to get a g-good g-grade..." Butters then cried again, his hands on his face as tears poured from his eyes. Kenny couldn't bare it anymore. 

He wrapped his arms around Butters, hugging him tightly. Butters gasped, his hands quickly off his wet eyes as he stood there in shock. He hadn't been hugged in such a long time, it felt so reliving and calm. Soon as Kenny did, Butters hugged back, his head buried in Kenny's shoulder as he kept crying. Kenny's left arm went up and down slowly as his hand rubbed Butters' back. Kenny made small cooing and hums, making Butters feel calm, comfortable, and safe. Butters slowly stopped crying as his eyes started to feel heavy. Soon, his eyes closed and he quickly fell asleep on Kenny's shoulder. Kenny giggled softly, gently laying Butters down on his bed. He pulled the covers up and he tucked him in. He gently patted his side as he got off the bed and quickly went to the bedroom door. But, before he left, he took one final look at Butters before closing the door.



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