Chapter 11: Namjoon

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"Well?" Sejin pried from his spot opposite the computer. He was wearing his reading glasses—he didn't wear them often. He claimed they tended to irritate his eyes and nose.

Namjoon rested his eyes on the screen again and went over the email.

Dear Miss Freya,

I am Sejin, manager of BTS. I am inquiring about the tickets you had for a meet and greet a few weeks ago. It seemed your friend, whose initials were MS, did not get the opportunity to meet BTS. I sincerely apologize for this. To make up for this, I would like to offer you and your friend the opportunity to meet BTS.

Please reply to this email as quickly as possible.

Best regards,


Namjoon rubbed his face and glanced back at Sejin. It was a short email and was hopefully enough to get Freya to respond. He hoped she would reply promptly and positively.

"Yeah, it looks good. Shall we send it off?" He answered, leaning forwards.

"I got approval from the board members, I was just waiting for your response," Sejin said, subtly telling Namjoon to send it. He wasted no time, sending the email. His heart was beating fast in his chest, already anticipating a reply. He knew it could take a few days for her to see and respond but that didn't stop him from reloading the email account.

Sejin smiled sadly at Namjoon, "She probably won't reply right away, Namjoon. Perhaps you should join the others for practice?"

Namjoon knew he needed a distraction. He also needed to inform his group members about Freya. He knew their reaction would be of excitement and impatience. They were all chewing their nails, waiting for a lead. This was it.

He stalked the familiar halls of Big Hit, heading to their dance studio. Even though they hadn't released any new songs or were performing anywhere for the foreseeable future, they liked to practice together. They were all joined in unity when they danced as a group to their songs.

When he arrived, the others were hard at work. Namjoon opted to wait until after practice when they were at their dorm and eating to tell them. For the time being, he got stuck in with the others and felt himself smiling.

The others had yet to notice the joy radiating off him. When they did, he knew there would be a multitude of questions thrown his way.


TELLING HIS FRIENDS had gone exactly as he expected. They were all hopeful and desperate to hear back from Freya. For hours, they spoke about their soul mate, imagining who they were.

The following day at Big Hit, Namjoon went through his emails. When he saw nothing from Freya, his heart deflated slightly. He shouldn't have expected an email back yet but it still hurt.

Forcing himself to remain positive, Namjoon got on with his work. An hour later, he received a phone call from Dam-bi, who wanted to meet up with him. Namjoon didn't want to be rude and he knew seeing Dam-bi could distract him so he accepted.

They met at the Seoul Arts Centre in the staff room. Her brown orbs brightened at the sight of him. They both exchanged respectful bows and hugged. When they pulled away, Namjoon assessed her appearance. Dam-bi was a few years younger than him and it showed. She had a child-like innocence to her that made her appear gracious and kind.

She had gotten the job at the museum just over a year ago. He had run into her several times over the past year. Unlike most people in Korea, she didn't overreact when she recognized him. She always remained polite and friendly. It was why Namjoon even considered getting into a relationship with her.

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