"Well it is like five minutes before class starts so she's probably running late or busy with Lydia." Lottie tried to help, trying to distract not only Scott but herself too. She joked with Scott a lot about homicide but she was certain he didn't do it, he couldn't have.

"You know, it could be a coincidence." Stiles said, pondering the thought. "A seriously amazing coincidence."

The three continue to both look around for Allison as Scott continued to blast her phone with messages. Gradually students started coming up to Scott congratulating him for his performance in the lacrosse game the other day, much to the surprise of Stiles who looked at Lottie like he'd entered an alternate reality.

"Are you seeing this?"

"Yeah, our little Scotty is famous." Lottie mused, clutching a hand to her chest, smiling until Scott barged past everyone and ran off, clearly overwhelmed by the noise and crowd, oh and the fact he might have murdered his crush. "So." Lottie said, dragging out the word.

"So." Stiles replied.

"Did you do the English homework?" Lottie asked.

"There was English homework?" Stiles groaned as Lottie laughed. "Surely classes will be cancelled, someone has been mauled out there."

"Attention, students. This is your Principal. I know you're all wondering about the vandalism that occurred to one of our buses last night. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled. Thank you." The hallways erupted in moans.

"You've got to be kidding me." Stiles complained, leaning his head on Lottie's shoulder.

"Come on Batman, we'll be the next murder victims if we're late to Harris' class."


"Maybe it was my blood on the door?" Scott whispered quietly to his friends in their Chemistry class.

"Could be animal blood?" Stiles whispered back optimistically.

"Yeah, maybe you caught Thumper."

"And did what?" Scott retaliated.

"I don't know. Ate it."


"No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven. How should I know? You're the one who can't remember anything." Stiles responded sarcastically, much to the dismay of Scott.

"Poor Thumper." Luna mumbled as Mr Harris interrupted their conversation to tell them off for talking during his lesson.

"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper you might want to pull the earphones out once in a while. I think you and Mr. McCall and Ms. Bailey would benefit from a little distance. Yes?"

"No!" All three of them shouted at once. But unfortunately, Mr Harris continued to separate them. Lottie ended up next to Danny so she wasn't too sad, she enjoyed Danny's company. Scott however, ended up next to Jackson and Stiles ended up next to Greenburg.

"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much."

"Actually Mr Harris, I am feeling a little nauseous and I-" Stiles started despite the warning looks Lottie sent him but Harley jumped up and pointed at the window, shouting that the officers had found something.

"They've found a body!"

"That's not Thumper." Lottie mumbled to Scott who looked petrified down at the body on the gurney. The whole class stood in silence watching the morbid scene unfold, in disbelief they were all witnessing what they thought was a dead body. Until the body lurched up and the class erupted into screams, Stiles grabbing Lottie and hiding his face behind her back.

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