He had to act like someone very important to him hadn't just died, he had to keep playing with Grove and spending time with Leafy like everything was normal.


A week later he was on a train. En route to his town, with a black suit in a small suitcase, watching the fields speed by.

The agency had arranged accommodation for the people in attendance, if they wanted to use it and Firey accepted the offer so he would have a place to get changed when he got there.


The sky was cloudy but it wasn't raining, the chill that blew in the air made up for that though.

Firey stood amongst a decently sized crowd, listening to the preist say a few final words then allowed people X was close to, to give eulogies.

Four didn't read their own eulogy, they got a random agent to read them out as they stood beside the open grave.

It was a grim experience to say the least, everyone who was there looked equally sad, X had been an important person for each of them.

Everyone they interacted with thought thought they were a  sweet, ray of sunshine, a refreshing change from the constant negativity they were used to.

X treated everyone kindly, saw the good in things and always did their best to aid whenever they could, they always meant well.

Something had been taken from everyone there, a part of them that would be gone forever.

Firey stared at the sunflower covered coffin as it was lowered slowly into the ground, the only sounds that were heard was the quiet sobs of unknown people and Firey felt a feeling of disconnection from the world around him.

He was there but he didn't feel like he was, nothing felt real as he watched the coffin hit the earth and the first bit of soil landed on it.

He simply stood there, not crying, not seething in anger, he was just there, unable to express anything.

He must have spaced out because the next thing he knew, there was a hand on their shoulder trying to get his attention.

He looked to his right to see Blocky standing there with a forced smile on his face.

"You doing alright, man?" he asked.

"I don't know," Firey shrugged.

"Understandable, this whole thing gets more fucked up by the day," Blocky glowered.

"This is exactly what happened when Woody died,"

Firey hadn't expected that and he somehow felt worse than he already did.

"I wouldn't know, Woody died the day I was captured," Firey snapped.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned that but what I'm trying to say is that I'm sick of all of this," Blocky sighed.

"This is why I quit, I can't deal with this shit Firey, people are dying for no reason and all we can do is dress ourselves up and attend their funeral,"

Firey slumped slightly as thoughts and memories he had tried so hard to bury came back to him.

"I've got to go, I'm not staying for the afterparty. Look out for yourself, Firey," Blocky said as he walked away.

Firey stood near the grave, watching the grave diggers do their job when he saw a navy haired person standing just a bit away from him.

Firey walked up to Four and stood beside him without saying a word, unsure of what to say.

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