09, fear of the unknown

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The warmth of the sun caressed Riley's face like it usually did when the early morning hours hit and the the sun first peaked above the walls

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The warmth of the sun caressed Riley's face like it usually did when the early morning hours hit and the the sun first peaked above the walls. A feeling Riley had grown accustomed to after all this time spent within the four walls, the space in between that she now considered her home.

There was something so comforting about a routine, and it seemed when things got tough, routine was exactly what Riley found herself clinging to. It kept her afloat when everything else seemed to fail.

So as she found herself repeating that same routine, head in between the crops she'd helped grow. It brought her a sense of comfort.

However she hadn't realized how long she'd been removing weeds from the crops. Her body had gone into auto pilot as she sorted through it all. Her mind having drifted some place else, the usual sounds of the glade awake and busy around her only helping her disappear further away to this imaginative world of hers.

This daydream didn't last very long though, when sudden rumbling and crashing from inside the maze slithered it's way in between the cracks of her distracted mind, bringing her back to the surface.

Within minutes almost everyone had huddled in front of the walls. Everyone curious and anxious about the sudden crashing and rumbling. Those sounds in particular were not part of the routine and it set the glade on edge.

As if on cue, Thomas and Minho came running out of the maze, Riley's eyes meeting Thomas'. An unreadable expression on his face as he passed her.

"Now what the hell's going on out there?" Newt quickly asked as the boys passed through the group, making everyone follow behind to try and hear what they would say.

"What the hell you done now, Thomas?" Gally followed up.

"We found something, a new passage." Thomas began, ignoring Gally's comment and instead focusing on Newt. "We think it could be a way out."

Riley halted in her steps, surprised by his words as she'd accepted a while ago that they might never get out. But she quickly recovered from her momentary slip up, pushing away the surprise that had been clear on her face.

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