12, choosing sides

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"Pick a side, Riley, him or us?" Gally's agitated as he continues to pressure the blonde who's yet to pick between Thomas or him, a choice that had been forced upon the rest of the gladers

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"Pick a side, Riley, him or us?" Gally's agitated as he continues to pressure the blonde who's yet to pick between Thomas or him, a choice that had been forced upon the rest of the gladers.

"Why do i have to pick a side? You know this isn't how we do this, Gally." She's stubborn and it only angers him more. "Maybe that's where we went wrong." He argues but Riley shakes her head, "And how would you know that?" Gally doesn't respond, at least not at first. "Just pick a side." He sighs exasperatedly but she shakes her head again whilst turning around to leave.

"I can't believe you're even considering him after everything with Maia." He sputters out, desperate for any form of reaction from her and Riley halts in her steps.

"What did you just say?" Her tone is cold, her shoulders tense. "Rye-"

"No. No you do not get to call me that after saying what you just did!" She roars, teeth clenched.

"Why would you ever use her as an argument against me?!" She's beyond enraged as she watches him.

"Oh come on. You were more than ready to banish Max, but now when Thomas has ruined the entire Glade and taken Alby with him — now you're hesitating?!" Their loud voices have formed a crowd around them but none of them seem to care.

"There is nothing. Nothing! in those two scenarios that you're able to even remotely compare! Max killed Maia! While Thomas just ran into the maze risking his life to try and get Alby back! He made sure everyone around him was safe. Nothing about him is comparable to Max and you know it just as much as i do!" She's yelling now, frustrated hands brushing through her hair. "I dont care if he grew a conscience, you heard Alby!"

She shakes her head in disbelief. "Are you even listening to yourself?!" But he doesn't answer her, instead he says. "You've grown soft, Riley." And she laughs, she laughs at him whilst shaking her head. "You're unbelievable."

"Pick a side or we do it for you." His voice is firm and she stares at him in disbelief and anger, and as she moves her gaze behind him she meets Newt's gaze and she knows. She knows she has to pick the glade. At least while Gally is stood right in front of her. So she does.

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