[39] The Verge of Hopelessness

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"...(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" 

You groggily open your eyes after feeling someone gently shake you. As you looked up, you were met with familiar Geo-colored eyes. 

'Oh, right. Today's the day.'

A shaky sigh left your lips as you forced yourself up. 

Zhongli placed a hand on your shoulder, seeing your expression turn into a grimace. "Don't push yourself. I can always carry you if needed."

"I'll be fine... just give me a minute." You shook your head, trying to ignore the excruciating migraine. You looked around, seeing your things already packed and ready to go. 

Your door was left open, and outside stood Verr and Huai'an. Their eyes widened upon meeting your gaze. They knew you needed more help, but they couldn't do anything except stand outside helplessly. Or else the karmic debt might affect them, too.

You averted your eyes, remembering the day they broke the news to you. 

"(Y/N). Dr. Baizhu has informed me of the situation," Verr said, with Huai'an standing by her side. "He didn't tell me all the details... but insisted that staying here would be unsafe for you and everyone else."

You looked down. "I know..."

Verr fell silent as she looked down. 

After a while, Huai'an spoke up. "Mister Zhongli will come pick you up two days from now. He has arranged a place for you to stay while you recover."

Verr cleared her throat. "That's right..." she glanced at Huai'an before looking back at you. "I sincerely hope you get better soon, (Y/N)."

You managed to stand up on your own. After letting out a deep sigh of relief, you made your way outside, with Zhongli following closely behind with your bags. 

As you stepped out your door, you turned to Verr and Huai'an. 

"Thank you for everything..." It hurt to even speak, but you forced a smile anyway. You had to reassure them you were okay, or else the guilt on their faces would never go away. 

A gust of wind blew past when you stepped outside Wangshu Inn. You looked up at the dark clouds eerily covering the sun. The yellow leaves on the ground moved about, pushed along by the strong winds. 

But aside from that, no one was there. 

With furrowed brows, you looked back to Zhongli, seeing another familiar face approaching you both. She had light blue hair and horns peeking out from the top of her head.


'Why is she here?'

Zhongli quickly sensed your confusion. "She has a place for you to stay in the meantime," he explained. "It's near Jueyun Karst, so we won't have to worry about others getting affected by your karma."

'Jueyun Karst? Where have I heard that before?' you shook your head before you could entertain the thought. Now is not the time.

You gave her a slight nod and smiled. You wanted to say more, but it was getting more painful to speak.  

Instead, you looked around expectantly, scanning your eyes across as if searching for someone else. 

Zhongli sighs. "He didn't even come to see you off?"

"It's fine." You immediately said, looking down. "I'm sure he's busy. There are more and more demons lurking around after all..."

You turned away to hide the expression on your face, but Zhongli knew you hoped to see him. It was obvious by the way you clenched your fists. 

He looked up at the dark skies. How strange. It was completely covered by those eerie clouds, but they seemed to be heading somewhere else. 

A storm is brewing.

But before he could check, you suddenly turned to Zhongli and Ganyu. "I'm ready to go. Can you lead the way?"

Zhongli looks at Ganyu with a nod. But Ganyu averted her gaze. "I don't mind giving you a place to stay in the meantime, (Y/N). But... are you sure about this?" she asked. "You know we can't stay there with you. So it's like we're just leaving you to... to..." she trailed off.

"No. I won't die from this." You furrowed your brows. "I have a promise I need to keep." 

Ganyu's eyes widened. "But with the amount of karmic debt you have–"

"It's fine, Ganyu. I'm sure she's well aware." Zhongli raises a hand to interrupt. "Though she's quite stubborn."

She blinks in surprise, before letting out a deep sigh. "I understand." She walks ahead. "Please follow me. I'll lead the way."

You nodded. But after just a few steps forward, a prickly, painful sensation shot its way all over your body. It took everything you had not to keel over. 

Zhongli held you up. "If it's too painful to move, let me know," he mumbled, carefully pushing you forward so you can keep pace with Ganyu. 

 _ _ _

She led you to a small house on the outskirts of Jueyun Karst. You tilted your head in confusion. Some of its dusty green roof tiles were on the verge of falling off. Meanwhile, the paint on its exterior walls was peeling off and eroding. But strangely enough, it still stood tall.

A part of you wanted to ask what it was doing all the way out here, but you decided not to think much of it. 

"I tried to clean up all the dust and dirt inside as much as possible, but I was unable to do any repairs..." Ganyu sighed as she opened the door. 

The wooden floors made a creaky sound when you stepped inside. It was dark, and you didn't see any light switch... or a light bulb. 

As you looked around, you noticed some of the walls had started to break down, and the wooden floors showed extreme wear and tear. You spotted a small bed in the corner, with a nearby cabinet against the adjacent wall. 

"I know it's not exactly... livable, but..." Ganyu trails off as she shakes her head.

"No, no. It's fine...! I didn't even expect that there would be another place for me to stay at all. I should be thanking you for your help..." You mustered a smile as you tried to give her a small bow. "Thank you..."

Her eyes widened. Not because of your gesture but because she just realized how extremely pale you looked. 


"We'll visit every day to give you medicine from Dr. Baizhu and to see how you're doing." Zhongli placed a hand on your back as he helped you to the bed. "For now. You need to rest some more. You pushed yourself too much again today." 

"I..." you sighed, leaning against the pillows. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Just focus on getting better." 

Ganyu averted her eyes. Why is he still hoping that you would recover from this when she couldn't even bear to watch you any longer? 

"Truth be told, I always hoped Xiao would be able to relax and realize the joys of living a mundane life," Zhongli said as he tucked you in.

"...Huh?" You furrowed your brows in confusion. 'Why is he talking about Xiao all of a sudden?'

"And I believe you are the key to that," he said with a soft smile. 

Ganyu's eyes widened. 

You stared at him wide-eyed as well, before returning the smile. "I should make sure to get better, then."

He chuckled, walking towards the door with Ganyu. "We'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N)."

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