[22] Hidden Burdens

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"I'm sorry... it's getting a little harder for us to meet up, Alatus." Your head hung low as you stared at the ground, fighting off the fatigue building up in your body. 

Alatus shook his head. "It's alright, (Y/N)," he says, placing both hands on your shoulders. "You look pale, though. How are you feeling?"

"Oh..." you chuckled softly. "I'm just tired. More people are getting sick now, so I've been tending to them all this time," you explained, taking a seat against a tree. 

Alatus followed, sitting right across from you. "Sick?" He narrowed his eyes. "From what?"

You pursed your lips for a while. "I don't know..." you mumbled, followed by a deep sigh. "The other doctors don't know, either." 

You looked up at the afternoon sky. It was covered with thick, dark clouds, keeping the sun's rays from shining through. Alatus followed your gaze, noticing the eerie darkness in the skies as of late. 

"I'm sure I'll figure something out, though!" You forced a cheery smile. "I just need some time to investigate." 

Alatus' brows furrowed as he looked at you. Dark bags lay under your eyes, and your skin was pale and dull. It was obvious you hadn't been eating and sleeping well. 

"Well, if there's anything I can do..." Alatus mumbled, averting his gaze from you. "Let me know. I'll help you."

Your eyes widened at his words, before you broke into a genuine smile. "Thank you..."

But how could you ask for his help when you didn't even know what needed to be done?


Your heavy eyelids struggled to open, as if waking up from a long dream. 

'Huh?'  The first thing you saw was darkness. You squint your eyes, eventually making out the familiar ceiling of your room in Wangshu Inn. 

'I'm back at the inn? How?... What time is it?' You groggily sat up from bed, looking out the window to see the moon shining on your face. 

You furrowed your brows in confusion, remembering the glowing sunset you watched with Xiao back at Liyue Harbor. Realizing what might have happened, you slumped back into bed. "This is so embarrassing...!" you covered your face with a pillow. "After I said I wasn't tired and everything!"

After staying there for a few moments, you pulled the pillow away. With a huge sigh, you resolved to go back to sleep. It was still nighttime after all. 

But suddenly, from your peripheral vision, you caught a faraway flash of turquoise light from the window. You whipped your head to face it, but the light had disappeared. Only the moon and the foggy silhouette of Guyun Stone Forest were all you could see. 

You furrowed your brows in confusion. 'A turquoise light? Didn't this happen once before?'

You kept your eyes on the window, in case the light flashed again. But it didn't. 

Still confused, you slowly looked away, closing your eyes and pushing those doubts to the back of your mind. 

Everything went silent for a few minutes as you lay in bed, eyes tightly shut together. You kept waiting and waiting, but the sleepiness didn't come. Eventually, you opened your eyes wide. "I can't sleep," you mumbled.  

You got off the bed, feeling more awake than ever. Making your way toward the window, you catch a glimpse of the Qingxin flower still thriving on the small vase. Then, your gaze landed outside the window as you found yourself looking right at Guyun Stone Forest again. 

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