[37] Worsening Effects

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You thought the karmic pains had subsided. After all, you vividly remember making a fresh batch of ointment just like normal, which you gave to him. 

But ever since that meeting with Xiao, the headaches started to worsen. 

"(Y/N). I advise you to not be in close contact with the Conqueror of Demons from now on." Baizhu warned with a troubled frown.

You leaned back into the pillow, scrunching your face up as the pain intensified. "But I only saw him for a short while... and I've been feeling better before that... so why?"

"I can't say for certain, but I believe it may be that you haven't fully recovered yet," he explained.

Meanwhile, Qiqi leaned on your bedside, peering up at you with her usual tired-looking eyes. 

As the pains subsided, you glanced at her and tilted your head in confusion. You hesitantly flashed a warm smile, though a tired one, as you gave her a small pat on the head.

"The medicine I gave you is rather slow-acting, so I recommend you rest the whole day until you feel better," Baizhu said as he packed up his things. "With that, I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N)," he gave you one last reassuring smile. 

You smiled back. But as you watched them leave your room, your eyes suddenly went wide. The foggy feeling in your head from earlier had cleared up a little, and you only realized when you caught sight of Qiqi's back as she closed your door.

"Oh yeah...! Her name is Qiqi!" You exclaimed, before furrowing your brows in confusion again. 

"Wait... how could I forget her name, though?"  


You promised him you'd find a way to recover. 

You promised him, and yet...

A gentle knock on your door snapped you out of your trance. You whipped your head towards the door, hearing another set of knocks.

"(Y/N)? How are you feeling?" You hear a voice coming from the other side.

You tilted your head. It was a voice you couldn't recognize. But for some reason, you had a feeling you should. Before you got up to check, they opened the door by themselves.

"Oh, you don't need to get up. It's alright!" Two people ushered in. They looked like a couple, but strangely enough, you didn't know their names. Now that you think about it, you couldn't recognize their faces either. 

"W-Wait... who are you guys?" Wide-eyed, you retreated to the edge of your bed.

The man tilted his head. "What...?" 

Meanwhile, the woman raised a brow. "Why are you giving us that look? It's as if we're complete strangers to you."

"B-But..." you stuttered.

'But you are! Where is everyone?'

Now that you noticed it, the room you were in was entirely unfamiliar to you. That's strange... you got the feeling you've been staying here for a while, so how come you didn't know where you were?

You looked out the window. "Wait a second..." you slowly approached it, placing your hand on the glass pane. The scenery you saw outside was completely foreign to you. 

"(Y/N)? What's going on with you?" 

An unsettling feeling brew in your chest. Outside were unfamiliar trees, fields, and flowers. You found it harder to breathe as your shoulders felt heavier and heavier. 

'Something is wrong...' You thought, but you didn't know why.

"Where am I...?" you mumbled, crouching and hugging your knees. The sinking feeling in your chest grew worse, bringing a headache along with it. You clutched your head, keeping yourself down as you grit your teeth. 

"(Y/N)?! Are you alright?!" The man stepped closer, but you hastily turned away. You had a feeling that if you didn't, the couple in front of you might get hurt. 

"Where am I?" You mumbled once again as your vision blurred from tears. 

But wait... why were you crying? What brought this on? 

"Goldet, can you call him?" You heard the man say, followed by footsteps hurrying out of the room. 

"Where is everyone?" Your mumbling continued as another set of footsteps entered the room. 

Silence followed, and then you felt a warm hand patting you on the head. 

'Is that...?' You weren't sure who you were expecting, but you immediately looked to meet their gaze. 

But your brows furrowed upon seeing who it was.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" His brows were deeply furrowed as well. But you could tell he was deeply worried. 

"You're... Zhongli...!" You gasped, feeling the headache start to fade. "Wait... I remember you!" You felt relief wash over you. At the very least, your memories were starting to sort themselves out again. "Oh, but where is..."

'Where's Xiao?' For some reason, you hoped he was the person in front of you right now. 

Zhongli shook his head. Right... you're not supposed to be seeing him right now. 

You slowly stood up and faced the couple, Verr and Huai'an. Wiping away your leftover tears, you gave them a deep bow. "I'm so sorry about what happened!" You gave them a deep bow. 

Verr sighs. "I'm not quite sure what's going on with you, but I'm glad you've calmed down," she said, before making her way to the door, with Huai'an following right behind her. But before she left, she turned to you once more. "Please get better soon. If not, we may be unable to support you here any longer."

She closed the door shut, leaving you and Zhongli behind. 

Zhongli checked on you from the corner of his eye. You were still confused. It seems like you still don't remember them fully. 

"It's fine, don't force it if you can't remember," he said. "Forgetting things is one of the effects of Karmic Debt. Your memory should return after you rest for a bit." 

You shook your head. "I'm so sorry. For a minute, I–" you sighed, covering your face with your hands. "I thought I was supposed to be in Springvale... for some reason."

"Springvale? Could that be your hometown in Mondstadt?" Zhongli raised a brow.

"Yes... but–" You looked out the window again. Now that you think about it, the view outside felt a little more familiar. But it didn't stop this swirling, dark feeling inside. Your hands started to tremble. "I don't know why, but I felt so scared just now. I could tell they were worried for me, but I still couldn't stop this... fear."

You were scared that whatever darkness lurked inside you would take over. But you didn't want to say it. 

Zhongli just remained silent. 

"Is it..." you looked at him. "Is it getting worse? Am I not going to get better after all?" The look in your eyes was desperate. You had a promise to keep, after all.

He didn't reply. Instead, he gave you a small smile. But it did nothing to reassure you.

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