[14] of Pure Heart

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By the time you left Liyue Harbor, the sun was sitting just above the horizon. You brisk-walked out the gates, carrying a wooden crate with both hands as you watched parts of the sky slowly turn golden-orange.

'It's this late already?! How did I not realize??' you sighed to yourself.

After walking far enough, you found yourself panting slightly. It seemed exhaustion was starting to seep in from the amount of time you spent wandering around the Harbor. "Xiao?" you called in between pants as you bent over to catch your breath. "Are you... there?"

Even though your gaze was trained on the grass below, the gust of wind that blew was enough to let you know he answered your call. 

"You're late, (Y/N)," said a stern voice. 

"Ahh yeah... sorry about that..." you say, taking in one last deep breath before standing up straight again. "I got carried away!" You laugh sheepishly. 

Xiao scoffs, watching as your shoulders and chest rose and fell rapidly. "You didn't even realize you were starting to tire yourself?"

"Aw come on, don't give me that look!" You pout. "I would've been fine if I didn't have to carry this!" you exclaim, gesturing to the wooden crate by your feet as a sigh left your lips. "It's heavier than I thought." 

Xiao's gaze fell on the crate. "Is this what Verr Goldet and Huai'an asked you to deliver to Wangshu Inn?"

You nodded. "It's from the general goods store! I believe it was called Second Life?" Furrowing your brows, you placed a hand to your chin in thought, before shrugging. "Anyways, when I realized how heavy this was, I asked the owner if I could leave it with him while I walked around the harbor for a bit!"

"I see... a wise decision." Xiao nods, before walking over and swiftly picking up the crate with one hand. "I'll carry this. Let's go."    

"Huh? Are you sure? I can carry it though!" You rushed beside him, reaching for the crate in his hand.

Xiao raised a brow. "You want to carry this all the way back?" He asked, confusion evident in his eyes. "I thought you found this heavy."

Your eyes widened, before averting them from his gaze. "Nevermind... I just didn't want you to have to do the work for me..." you mumbled with a small pout as you placed your hands behind your back. "Thanks, though."

Xiao hums, before turning on his heel and walking ahead. "Something like this isn't worth your thanks," he says. "A simple errand like this is nothing to me. Besides..." he stops and cranes his head back. "You've already done a lot today. I understand you're tired." 

Your cheeks felt warm as his gentle eyes gazed into yours. "Xiao..." you mumbled, heart thumping faster while a soft smile tugged at your lips. "Alright! Let's go then!!" You rushed to his side with a huge grin.

_ _ _

A part of you couldn't comprehend how Xiao is able to carry the wooden crate under one arm. The other was worried he was starting to tire himself but refused to say anything. 

"You don't have to check on the crate. It's fine with me." Xiao speaks up, taking notice of your not-so-subtle glances. 

"Ah!" You were taken aback. "No, it's not that! I'm just wondering if you're having any trouble carrying it... or something!" you explain frantically. "I mean... it's heavy! But you're somehow managing with one hand!"

Xiao's eyes widened. "Me? Like I said. This is nothing," He sighed, though you didn't seem convinced by it. "Don't concern yourself over this. Instead, I want you to tell me."

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