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"To be with you is all I had always wanted, and still do"

His eyes flickered at her angrily while his mind was restraining everything his heart was urging to say that still kept her inside whether he agreed or not.

"Zander, please... Whatever I did. I did it for us. I did it so I could stay by your side forever for this time".

Simran urges on her last two words with such dedication so he knows that she always longed for him more than he can imagine but he didn't even bother to look at her.

"But, this time I am better without you".

He left with his constantly aching heart which might be still beating for her.



"Can't you just trust me one more time?"

She was on the verge of losing herself to despair, her fragile heart had already lost its spirit and his cold gaze was only adding more misery.

"Zander, what do you want me to do to have your trust?"

Her voice splintered several times in between yet it wasn't enough to melt him as emotions couldn't get an iceberg like him.

"Do you want me to hurt myself? Or --- she breathed harshly pondering every single alternative ---- Would you like me to grovel on my knees or do you want me to beg for your forgiveness?"

Her teary eyes glide at his gorgeous face which was still emotionless, his eyes were as blank as the darkness.

"Tell me, I would do anything because I genuinely love you, please trust me again..........

*voice breaks*.....

Can you love me again? Can you be mine again?"

She begged like some crazy girl as she had already lost her sanity due to the fact she lost him despite her strong efforts.

At her pitiful sight, Zander just laughed bitterly, his eyes were too void the same as his heart which was lifeless. Blinded by rage, he couldn't see his ex-wife's suffering.

"I prefer you out of my sight and life, can you do that, Simran, because what you are doing right now is pathetic?"

His neutral eyes gauged her tears, this made him crack another bitter laugh as he couldn't trust them again or even her.

"You can't do that right which means you are useless to me," His tone was too resentful for her to bear.

"Zander...." She urged with hurt enveloping her begging tone.

"Dearest Ex-wife, do me a favor and erase yourself from my life as your presence is just making me sick. I can't even bear to stand in the same proximity as you so breathing under the same roof is unthinkable for me. My eyes burn whenever they see you, my heart goes repulsive, and my mind alerts itself since it is aware of your sly character," He smiled coldly before leaning toward her face with a peculiar look in his darkened eyes.

"You are lying just like I did that day, taking revenge on me, aren't you? Say you are just being sarcastic and that you still have me in your heart," Her fragile hands gripped the collars of his shirt in desperation but he just gauged her blankly.

And the next, her hands were off him in a jerk and his voice roared in such hatred that never existed in him before.

"Go die, maybe then I may trust you".

He yanked her away like she was useless, not even worthy of a speck of his emotions which made her even more dejected and miserable.

"Do you truly not want to see me ever again?"

She asked with her bleeding soul as her mind and heart had stopped sinking together more like she stopped feeling anything anymore.

He just rolled his eyes at her fake drama and reacted overly harshly.

"Do whatever pleases you. I won't be here to stop you anyway".

He just stormed out of the room, leaving her broken behind him unaware of what his harsh responses were doing to her poor fragile soul.

She was almost dying and barely able to hold it through while he added more to her misery and ended her hopes of restarting with him again.

Feeling betrayed, unjustified, and abandoned, she strides outside on the balcony with a blank expression.

Her naked feet stepped on the railing while her teary gaze paused sadly at his car, seeking to get a last glimpse of her ex-husband, the man who still owned her heart and soul despite his cruel remarks.

"I wish you knew how much I struggled to live so I could be with you again...

.......if only you knew how much I always loved you and still do".

She staggered to sustain her grip on the railing with a blank smile, her eyes searing the back of her husband who slowly dashed his cold eyes up at her.

"You should have learned by now that I can do anything for you, my Zane".




To Be Continued

Please readers leave your comments, and votes and share my story with your reader friends.

The next update will be up only if this chapter crosses 10+ votes and 5+ comments.

1. What do you think of Zander's wrath? Was it justified?

2. What do you think Simran would do?

3. This is only a prologue but you are free to imagine anything while I update the first chapter.

Thank you for your time and support.

Have a good day.

Billionaire's Ex Seductress II 💋Where stories live. Discover now