Journey to the west

Start from the beginning

''No. You have given me a family when I lost mine, Daemon. I mean, you guys returned when I was in my lowest emotional stages so I should be the one to thank you.'' Naruto humbly replied. ''You enjoy the scenary very much I see, Daemon.''

''My jounrney here in the east is the first time I was away from the industrial cities of the west. Magog and other nations are lacking in greenary, Naruto. The air is fresh, the sound of the waterfall pleasant and the chirping sounds of the birds brings a calm feeling to the heart. You will not appreciate nature until you are out of the dark, gloomy cities... or so my father and Pakura told me. He was right. It's nice to be away from all that pollution and to see this in person, Naruto.''

''I am happy you enjoy it, Daemon. Really, I am.''

Then, Daena Blackfyre contacted both of them through the comms. ''Sorry to interrupt Daemon but this is important. I need you and Naruto in the war room.''

-Daemon's flagship, GNS Executioner-

Naruto and Daemon walked through the hallway of the dreadnought to the war room. The imperial navy sailors of Magog saluted the duo as they walked past them. They entered the war room where Daena was waiting for them along with the army and fleet commanders.

''What is the emergency, Daena?'' Daemon asked his sister.

''Orders from mother. Yes, directly from her, Daemon.'' Daena answered and pressed some buttons. The computer on the table then showed the hologram of the Sunset Sea (Great Ocean for the west). Then, the two saw the image of a gigantic sea monster and the image of a sky port. ''The giant sea monster, a mad cirein-cròin, is terrorizing the supply ships of Magog and that sky port has been identified as the base of the pirate queen, Q'anah. Mother wants us to eliminate them before heading home.''

''Q'anah?'' Daemon asked for more clearification. ''Really? So, after all these years, she has been founded. I can exact Magog's revenge for her attack on the Red Port.''

''Then that settles it. I handle the sea monster while Daemon attacks the pirates.'' Naruto said.

''By tomorrow, we can fly west. They won't know what'll hit them.''

                      -the next day-

''Plans for attacking, my lord?'' Delta asked Naruto, curious as to what he was planning.

''Obviously, Delta. After Magog wins the war, we will invade the east with the full force of the Magog's army. The tunnels we dug for my secret coup will assist us in toppling the Leaf village. Nothing will stop me or my family from the destiny it has, Delta. When I return to the east after winning the war, then I will take my revenge.''

''Naruto dear, you promised not to spend too much time planning remember? You said you'd spend more time with me.'' Shizuka whined a bit to her husband. She had grown fond of the Uchiha and started having feelings for him.

''Of course. I apologize, Shizuka.'' Naruto said and went to his wife. Shizuka pulled down his mask to give him a kiss. ''So, you are not a bit mad that I have... this?''

''The anaconda strain or the harem, Naruto? No, I'm fine with it. Don't think of yourself as ugly because of that plague, Naruto. You are handsome, both in face and heart. As for your harem, at least I'm officially a wife. The others are just concubines and pets.'' Shizuks replied. ''Speaking of, it still amazes how you have Tsunade Senju mind controlled to become your pet, Naruto.''

''They are yours to command as well.'' Naruto told her and the comms rang.

''Naruto, this is Daena. We are nearing the attack positions. You're up.'' Daena informed him over on the radio.

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