Chapter 13

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"Wow you really do pick such wrong timing"

"Hey Quincey come on, give Malkiel some slack"

"I mean look, now Serenity's avoiding him and Drystan is only minutes away from snapping"

Malkiel looked away from Quincey and Galene and towards Drystan who was only shaking his head at him. He heaved out a sigh, before tapping his fingers on his desk. It had been a few days since his confession and Serenity had completely stopped talking to him, barely even looking at him.

It was a disaster especially when she started making excuses to miss out on after school activities and he couldn't help but feel responsible for all of it. He never heard anything from Drystan but he knew that his patience was really growing thin. What happened between him and Serenity was taking a toll on the group and Drystan hated that the most.

"Sorry Drys, I think I made things worse"

Drystan let out a sigh before shaking his head once again.

"It's fine, at least up to this point it is. But any more than this and we'll really lose all that preparation for the contest"

"Any plans? It's not like you don't have one already"

Malkiel looked at Galene who was mockingly grinning at Drystan again. He gulped before looking at Drystan again, he knew what would happen if this continued.

Drystan squinted his eyes on Galene and without breaking their eye contact he replied in a cold tone.

"Music Camp, they're hosting one now"

Galene grinned widely while Quincey laughed, Malkiel who was staring at them only looked at Drystan in disbelief.

"You planned something? Already?"

"What? It just so happen to coincide with the Music Camp that I had been planning for us to go"

Malkiel could only shake his head, he knew his friend was someone who always plans ahead of troubles and problems but he never knew he would have planned something like this too. Especially since this concerns him, his own friend and bandmate.

"It was a plan already anyway, we'll give you two some alone time so you could talk it out. I'm sure these two could plan on that"

Drystan motioned to Galene and Quincey who both raised their fingers in a peace sign. Malkiel could only smile sheepishly. He knew he somehow made a mess of things and that the ones who were doing all the cleaning up were his friends. He was grateful really but he was also hurt that his former relationship with Serenity had been reduced to this kind of set-up.

He doesn't regret it though, he couldn't regret what he did because it was how he felt and he didn't want to regret it. That's why he'll welcome all the help he could get if it means mending this relationship.


"Can I say no?"

"Definitely not"

Quincey nonchalantly answered Serenity's question before putting another chocolate on her mouth. Serenity let out a sigh before laying down on her bed. The three of them went straight to her house after school for the sole reason of getting her to talk. They had also told her about the upcoming Music Camp and that she cannot miss out on this one.

She didn't want to but somehow Galene and Quincey had learnt about Malkiel's confession and they were now bugging her on her sudden avoidance towards the male.

There was too much on her mind and it had been like that for days now. Aside from her grief of having to break up with Jace, there was Malkiel's confession and her confusing feelings for him. She couldn't understand what it was but when she heard Malkiel's confession she suddenly wanted to cry more in his arms.

She wanted Malkiel to hold her and comfort her in ways that she couldn't even understand herself. And Jace, well she waited for him to call and tell her everything, some explanation, some apology and maybe even a closure but nothing came.

She waited in vain and she hated herself for trying to make excuses on why Jace hadn't done anything after their break up.

"Are you still hoping for Jace?"

Serenity heard Galene asked her with worry in her voice but she could only let out a sigh.

"I don't know, to be honest I don't know what I want right now. I am in pain and I'm furious at the same time when it comes to Jace. Then when it came to Malkiel all I could ever feel was confusion and it does feel awkward to just see him after the confession."

"Malkiel said he didn't need any answer, he just wanted for the both of you to go back the way you were before"

Serenity raised an eyebrow at what Quincey had told her.

"Then why did he confess if he wanted to stay the same"

She felt some irritation bubbling up inside of her now. Here she was debating on what she should say or do after his confession and all he could throw at it is that he wanted them to go back the way they were?

"Well, you forced him, so no need to point fingers here"

"I didn't for—"

Serenity bit back the words when she saw that Galene was grinning widely at her. She let out a groan and rolled on her bed.

In some way she did force him, she wanted to know so much why Malkiel couldn't think of them as being friends or why he was furious at Jace. And now, she was avoiding him like he was some kind of enigma.

"Should I say sorry?"

"Sorry for avoiding him? or sorry because you couldn't reciprocate his feelings? Or sorry because you forced his confession out of him? Or maybe sorry for letting him feel like it was a mistake that he confessed to you?"

Serenity could only purse her lips into a thin line and glare at Quincey because whether she like it or not, everything her best friend had said was the truth. She have so much to explain and answer to Malkiel and yet she couldn't.

How could she when she couldn't even answer herself?

Because that day at the back of her mind, a voice was telling her. Imploring her to believe in what she felt. That she didn't hate Malkiel's confession.

That it made her heart skip a beat.

Even though it wasn't supposed to.

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