Chapter 4

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That ominous feeling could never really be wrong. Koa, Kenzo and Malkiel simultaneously thought as they lay on their back inside the club room.

"Drystan you monster, just kill us already"

"There'll be no thrill if I did that"

Drystan nonchalantly answers as he puts his guitar down and goes to the table where his song sheets and pen were. Malkiel stared at his back before looking up at the ceiling.

"How long has it been since we last hung out with the three?"

Kenzo glanced at Malkiel while Koa sat up and looked at his phone.

"Three days"

"So Drystan has been torturing us for three days straight. YOU MONSTER!!"

Drystan rolled his eyes at Kenzo's dramatic reaction. But for Koa and Malkiel it was the truth. Every fourth month of the school year when activities were being held, there was the competition "Battle of the Bands". Bands are welcome to perform on a makeshift stage in the center of the school. The winners would be given the chance to represent the school in events and charities that the school will host.

And they had a goal, that this year they would be the victors. Due to some unforeseen incidents last year, they had lost to their seniors by two points. Drystan had been competitive ever since.

"By the way, Ms. Emily said she'll tell us something today"

Miss Emily Goa, their homeroom teacher had also acted as the band's counselor since they were in freshman year. Since their band was registered as an organization, it needed to have a counselor as well as more than three members.

Kenzo sulkingly sat up and crossed his arms like a child.

"After leaving us in the hands of this monster named Drystan, she comes today? What for? A nagging again?"

"Oh my, I didn't know you hated my nagging that much Kenzo, should I nag you some more?"

Kenzo, Koa and Malkiel's body all turned around to the direction of the club room's door. Standing at the doorway was Miss Emily, a menacing smile plastered in her face. Drystan, who had already seen Miss Emily's arrival but didn't say anything, just continued on flipping his song sheets.

"Mi..miss Emily, how are you?"

Kenzo shuffled to his feet to stand up.

"Looks like you haven't had enough of my nagging yet, do you want me to continue my lectures Kenzo?"

A shiver ran down their spines, Miss Emily's nagging goes beyond the usual nagging of a teacher, you could say that it can be compared to that of a mother's, annoying and yet scary.

"I'm sorry, I ran my mouth without knowing, please spare me"

Malkiel and Koa's eyes widened when Kenzo fell on his knees as he was pleading in front of Miss Emily, while Drystan snickered. It wasn't everyday that he could see Kenzo on his knees.

They were interrupted when they suddenly heard a shutter of a camera. Their gazes went to the person now standing beside Miss Emily.

Quincey, was standing with her phone up and with an evil smile plastered on her face. Right behind her was Galene who was now stifling her laughter and Serenity who was staring at Kenzo with worried expressions.

"You really shouldn't give Quincey some blackmailing material Kenzo"

Galene stated before bursting into laughter. Serenity slapped Galene in the back to make her stop from laughing.

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