Chapter 13: First Clash of the Night

Start from the beginning

"Now then, to get to the matter at hand, the reason for your appearance in this world is... complicated to say the least."

"No surprise there."

"Yes, nothing is ever as simple and clean. Which is why I believe there are three viable solutions for why you appeared in this world and... not somewhere else" Darkness said while leaving that last part ominous.

That comment left Sora tilting his head in confusion.

"What? What do you- "

"Never mind that. Now then, the first guess as to why you appeared in this world is fairly simple. Someone summoned you here."

The idea of someone summoning him to a world was something that didn't make sense at first, but the more Sora pondered on it, the more it started to sound like a far outreach of an explanation, and yet... he found himself involved in many things that did not make any sense at all.

"Is that even possible? I mean, I'm still not familiar with this world's power dynamic on either the Magic or Science Sides. And, how do you know about the Magic and Science Sides clashing with one another?" he questioned the dark figure.

"It's not that difficult to notice that there are conflicts behind the scenes. This world is truly filled with idiots floundering around without a care for anything. Or there are those who choose to remain obvious to the unexpected. Those who have fashioned their entire world around the promise of power and influence granted by scientific discovery and application. And those who entrench themselves into the depths of faith and religion basking in everything magic has to offer. Moreover, both sides have yet to truly understand just what is possible and what is out there beyond their self-centered worlds. However, you see past all that central-minded thinking thanks to your past experiences and openness to new things."

Paying mind to what the individual surrounded by darkness was saying, Sora could in a way see what they were getting at. His mind drifted over to the explanation he gave to Mugino and how she very easily disregarded everything he had to say about the heart. Granted, it was a rather difficult subject to understand and even one that he wasn't all that knowledgeable about since there were times, he still learned a thing or two regarding it. But the fact that she dismissed the idea of trying to understand it gave him the impression of understanding what Darkness was getting at.

"Even if that's the case... How does that still affect me being summoned here?" the spiky-haired teen remarked.

"Again, I must reiterate that this is simply a hypothesis split into three subtle explanations without any realistic merit behind what I'm saying" Darkness responded.

"Then why am I still listening to you?" Sora asked, now pointing his weapon at the clouded figure.

"Because deep down you also wish to know why you appeared here in this world. Besides, would you have preferred staying afloat and wandering endlessly in the Final World? Lost for all time on the border between life and death?"

A frown followed by a downtrodden expression could be seen on the boy's face as he recalled the last time he appeared in the Final World and how it was during nighttime. Alone and confused in a place where he had no idea what was going on. He did not want to go through that again.

"I thought so." Darkness stated while seeing the boy take a second to pause and think about the Final World. "Hence, I'm of the mind that someone on the magic side performed a ritual or summoning of sorts to bring you here. If or how they did so, then I am unaware of how it was possible. However, another element of this world to consider is that you have only seen the science side of things. That which you still have not even come close to understanding. The gods and goddess worshiped in this world... the tranquilities and retributions of the various religions sprouted in this world have yet to be discovered or shown to you."

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